
Yeah, fuck, same here. Fuck fuck fuck.

Well, you won't be able to just rock me to sleep tonight.

Parking ticket - the Jews. Hole in bottom of shoe - the Jews. Hangnail - the Jews.

You answered your own question.

I'd like to get a "Miss Me Yet?" bumper sticker that featured an image of all previous 44 US presidents.

Mister, we could use a man like Hoybert Hoover again.

It will end quickly when it turns out someone replaced the ball with a mini nuke.

She has dozens of film credits to her name and is part of a very well-known family of actors.

Never in the history of stationery has there been an envelope this ridiculous.


Miss Chanandler Bong?

She feels happy! She feels happy!

I forget exactly which episode it was, but it's the scene where Eugene brings Abraham to the place he intends to make bullets at. They get attacked by a walker with just such a head. Eugene almost dies trying to kill it, so you can see how it stuck in his memory.

Holy shit. RIP

Great fucking socks.

All of it. All the weed.

I'm not sure where I should pee either, but that's because I'm drunk.

"I crush you, media flatheads!"

I would do that every weekend regardless.

True enough, they already extended it once.