
I know there are far more important things this fuckface's administration are up to, but as a MA resident it'd be pretty painful to get so close only to have it taken away before they can even open any stores.

Now let's forget our troubles with a big bowl of strawberry ice cream!


I completely misinterpreted what "red carpet underwear" meant here before I clicked.

Ayatollah all to stop with the puns already.

NASA supports Islamic terrorism. Sad!

He started out in elementary school shrieking incomprehensibly about fluoridation of the cafeteria Jello.

You're going to conscript him into a militia and hope he is killed by redcoats?

I didn't realize it was Twin Peaks day, but I did have - excuse me - a damn fine cup of coffee this morning.

Seinfeld! Four!

If only you could see what I've seen with your eyes.

Can't think of anything right now that's as important as the Bieber pee pants story.

Because we live in a plutocracy.

I thought using the footage of the barely covered bodies of the Bowling Green Massacre victims was just reprehensible.

Must've been filmed in Boston.

Life's a party, he's making it fun.

I did Nazi that coming.

Where's ElDan?

Life's a party, and he's making it fun.