
That's his campaign slogan.

I want to see Trump in that ushanka. I want to see him wrestle that goddamn bear.


It's one of those laugh 'til you cry things, where it goes on too long and then you realize you're just crying and can't stop and are curled into a fetal position in the corner.

Two things?

We are all going to die.

Shit, can't smoke anything past the Dik.

I wouldn't call Harrington slim.

I always thought Harrington was a terrible Jon Snow, looks-wise.

Hold my beer.

Rutger fucking Hauer.

But is he sending me a human head in a big specimen jar?

ATC: Mr. Ford, we really need you to pull up.

Was that star destroyer meant to be underneath me?

Do they want to be stereotyped, classified?

I already had a copy of Videodrome.

Well, it is a day for mugwump jism.

That was my favorite part, and why the character stuck with me.

I had to get a restraining order taken out against Mark Renton, and that shady son of a bitch Gandalf the Grey has been crashing on my couch for, like, twenty goddamn years. That fucker can start paying rent or he's out on the street.

That's why she's so disturbed now.