
My girlfriend and I actually have a pretty good time with her parents on Thanksgiving. I think I'll get drunk with her dad and watch football or some shit instead of packing into a shitty theater to watch some shrill CGI musical.


"Can we all just not ruin Thanksgiving???"

No, I just missed my graduation.

Yeezus, he's egotistical.

This should make the sex tape recreation pretty interesting.

They'll never get those horns past the TSA.

Mosh pits are still a thing?

Tens of millions of Americans watch Big Bang Theory, eat at Wendy's, and choose to live in Florida. It's a question that doesn't even need to be asked.

It runs on the fevered imagination of twelve year old boys.


Eh, I don't twit.

I wonder what Greedo is like in bed.

Crazy, right?

I blame people for simply accepting every post and link as genuine instead of taking the ten seconds it would require to confirm their veracity.


Cor! Blimey!

Here we have three seconds of an 8mm film taken by Priscilla. As you can see, Elvis appears to be watching television and drinking what may or may not be lemonade.

A pinch.

Whenever someone says something like '“unprecedented access to Graceland archives” as well as “never-before-seen photos and footage from private collections worldwide”' I assume it's going to be the documentary equivalent of the stage banter album.