
Though some are marked for death.

It's about the first female scout for the Philadelphia Eagles.

I think I've gotten confused. I should probably apologize to Dots.

"Looks like someone -"
*cocks shotgun
"- forgot to hold the anchovies."

The movie takes place in mysterious city, and centers around an enigmatic outlaw framed for a killing spree that targets unsuspecting pizza place customers who've been forced to shove their arms into a six-hundred degree oven.

Hey, Humperdink Cummerbund is a fine actor.

I love it when this reference is perfectly accurate.

Looks like they buried him.

I can't wait for him to go to clown college.

I bet all the updates are them talking about how they're going to vote for Hillary.

He was taking the picture.

Having lots of friends and family who love you will make you happy, according to groundbreaking new study.

Being active on Facebook is a natural dopamine trigger, will cause you to stumble upon a box of emeralds on your way to the supermarket, and will make your penis and/or breasts large, says Facebook.

A presidency that will make us all blush.

"Here's something shitty." GJI's getting honest.

With that image's depiction of people both on the wall and on the ground on both sides of it, it basically looks like a giant army of people just walking right over it. Success!

Hey, there's a spider on your back!

* Linda Hamilton emerges from the blob and kicks everyone's ass

I guess she don't like the lamprey pie either.

Who's Jake Sully?