
Damn right they’re roaches. Ugh.

Black couples also get married at plantations down here, which is fucked up. I think it’s tasteless due to the history, but I think black & white couples are driven by different (stupid) reasons for holding weddings there. Some are wanting that fake Gone With The Wind bs. In real life, plantations are a creep fest, &

I love you, Rooo.

I completely agree with you, but with Dump, I seriously wonder if anyone is going to pursue this “open secret”. The whole world knows about this sentient toupee’s activities, yet nothing is being done. At this point, I’ll take indictment or grassy knoll. I’m good with anything except what we’re getting now.

It’s very difficult to get to “treble & punitive damages”, when those that would make that ruling are often over at one of the defendant’s homes. When you get past a certain point financially, it’s amazing how many others in your same position want to make damn sure you’re a close friend (when you regularly dine with

I think a lot of people jump to war, bc violence is the one language where the entire world shares fluency. We say people should read/ know the laws they live under. But, we live under laws often penned by law school graduates/actual attorneys, which means a large segment of our population can’t comprehend what

Tennis shoe is an improvement. When I see “Tinashe”, I think “pussy spray”. Her name looks & sounds like something parked next to Summer’s Eve on aisle 12. That alone has kept me from listening to even one of her “records”.

If karma was the most real of real bitches, they’d be dead.

Thank you. The police were not a presence at any school I attended. They were on premises once, when an ambulance was called for a student’s medical emergency. We had no officer on duty in the school (nearly 2,000 students), & didn’t need it. I wonder where the hell some of these people go to school, & live, if the

Oooooo. This is good to hear. I hate getting all excited about something, & then it sucks. Now, I won’t feel bad about buying it. I hope it’s good with goat cheese & my favorite smoked onion crackers.

With Dyson, the vocab vomiter on the show, Maher’s stuffed armadillo ass won’t be able to ask for an apology or get a word out in general. Dyson’s got to have a battery pack up his asshole powering that mouth. Maher can fuck off with his bullshit, either way, however. If this booking was really part of a plan to solve

It would be something else.

If I can get my hands on a bottle, I’ll let you know if it tastes like good wine, belly button sweat, or ass.

I just saw Tool & Puscifer, back to back, at Voodoo 2016. Such good taste, you have. Have you tried Maynard’s wine? I’m not a big drinker, but I want to see if it’s any good. He’s really into it, so maybe he did a good job.

If it has to be a fucking rapper, I’d prefer if we could get KRS-1 or Chuck D. I suspect Ice Cube might just be water at this point.

“why are thier superficialities OK but those of women make her a hoe , gold digger shallow you name it ???”

Lil’ Kim was beautiful, but rap is the genre that attracts the most openly misogynistic & colorist performers. There are so many lines dedicated to skin color & hair type that it’s disturbing. Bc of how uncouth so many of them are, I’m sure Kim was being told all kinds of fuckery, men with faces like Juvenile &

I hadn’t seen it & I’m glad I didn’t, bc I’d be pissed. Rihanna is beautiful, & even if she wasn’t, I’ve been sick of ugly-assed dudes (which is a LOT of them) falling all over themselves to assess women’s looks. I fully believe that the same should always be done to them, bc seeing women as worthwhile humans bc

I love Lil Kim, bc she’s a goddamned rap queen, but the truth needs to be told about how beauty is enforced/ lauded among poc’s, & how our own men like us way more for looking less black/hispanic/etc. Biggie’s dumpy, ugly, cockeyed ass also put her down. That was some epic nerve, but that’s reality. Yes, as different

That’s so fucking nasty. I think once one family member has been in your crotch, if shit doesn’t work out, you go meet a brand new STRANGER. It’s weird, too, bc this is a current situation in my partner’s family- and nobody’s weird about it. Well, I’m weird as fuck about it, bc all I can think about is that two blood