He named his child Jermajesty. Just think of walking around with that bullshit. Knowing that alone explains everything else he has ever done, or will do.
It’s not baffling at all. Dump’s election is the eventual outcome of anything a mediocre white man does being historically defined as acceptable (bc of who’s doing it), while everyone else has to meet “standards”. His predecessors didn’t go nearly as far as he has, on a behavioral level, but aside from Obama (of…
This incident is a cake made of layers of awful shit. I saw the teacher, & her remarks suggest some crabs in a barrel shit, to me. Of course, to form a complete opinion, I’d have to hear her speak on the issue. I had a minimal number of black teachers when I was growing up, but more than one resented how I grew up. I…
That’s exactly what I mean. I’m not sure if my parents would be weird, or what. Bc it’s “other people’s kids” they seem pretty chill, but I wonder.
I haven’t been through nearly what you’ve likely suffered in this society, bc I’m straight. However, parents get used to well-behaved offspring, & really lose sight of what real problem kids look like. I’ve had to justify some really small shit to my own parents, by reminding them that I’ve never been arrested, never…
Yes, to everything you said. Also, this kid is a fucking coward. Bc he has a mind full of stereotypes, he assessed the situation & figured he could showboat his phony toughness in front of his classmates. I seriously doubt he would’ve even thought about this stunt in the face of any black or white teacher- especially…
The problem began at home. I was five in kindergarten, & it would’ve never occurred to me to be disruptive or disrespectful to my teacher. Why? Bc my parents raised me not be a goddamned jackal. So many people think that anyone should be able to have children, but no. Any fully functioning human body can make kids,…
This is it, right here. Also, he’s white & male. It’s a fact that even those fitting that description who would never do anything like this, can actually get away with doing the exact same thing, bc they are also white & male. That’s the underlying problem right there. American has a bare minimum of rules that apply…
I’d prefer that he just skip to stepping to the right person. As public as this tirade has turned out to be, the right person may step to him- and that will be his ass.
That kid would’ve been a streak of blood down a long hall, where I live. Once you step into someone’s space like that, you’ve requested a beatdown. We have zero tolerance down here, but tradition dictates all of that flying straight out the window once someone goes at you like this kid.
Basil is perfect. Socks & gloves.
If I was the sitter, you’d come home to a trail of crumbs & a sad note. I’d be on the run with my sweet new dog!!!!
At this point? Not even remotely a surprise.
That’s ALWAYS the case. I work with a black guy who is paying rent & other bills for 2 white strippers. Now, if those women were black, they’d be “chickenheaded ho’s”, but whiteness had made them worth caring for, when otherwise, he wouldn’t, or would outright make fun of them. Also? When he found out who my fiancé…
Lol, I’m definitely not grouping all black men together. I just have mixed feelings about this whole thing bc of my own experiences, as well as what I’ve seen with friends & relatives. While I’ve had relationships with black men, I’m well aware that those same guys may not have given me the time of day if I wasn’t…
Let me say this: I’m black & hetero, with a white partner. My entire dating/ married life, I’ve gone between black & white men, with a few other races thrown in. While I understand some reasons for people staying within their race as far as romance, I don’t understand people getting an attitude about any of it with…
I just don’t understand the reaction, bc I wouldn’t feel like crying about that shit. If you call me a nigger, YOU are the nigger. Full stop. Game over, & I’m going to tell your ass about yourself. If anybody would’ve left crying, that large Marge would’ve been the one running & crying. Hell, half the ammo is…