
Fucking Great ! now every shitheel will know about the Stagea and drive up prices 100%


And we adore this bigoted loser.

Swap in Rx7 tranny

This is a perfect example of a GT car

Look under da hood brah

Ok....let me explain

Thanks alot Asshole , since this post prices of the Eunos Cosmos are up 30% and the 20b i was planning on getting are up too...thanks for letting the “sooo Jdm flat brim hat wearing BROSTERS know about this car

Half assed luxury car. Typical of aspiring wannabe Lux brands of the US.

Good luck competing with the big dawgs..

The Avg Luxary car driver who knows his shit , Executives , buisness owners wants a unique flagship car made with a different formula then other models in the brand. It is the rule of thumb that a flagship luxuary car be AWD or RWD no ifs or buts about it ! It is well known within auto manufacturing circles .

Lmao by 2020? Ahhhh the optmism..first victim of common sense and reality

It just is. Eats popcorn*

You Techno Hipsters at google will have they’re necks wrung like chickens by GM , Dodge and many automakers. You will curse the day you got on your desk and proclaimed “hey lets build cars and make it autnomous its soooooo easy “

I predict a Edsel-esque failure of grand proportions plagued by recalls , glitches and lawsuits due to defective cars and Google wishing they never entered the automotive buisness

BEHOLD !! The most expensive inefficant boondoggle in US History.. it looks cool tho

Electric wont catch on in the near future’ maybe in 30 years or so . Hydrogen maybe in 50 , Autonomous? 60 to 100 years depending if we invent a fully sentious AI that can act as a driving aide to complement the driver and can avoid bugs and glitches . What im trying to get to that it is going to be a difficult time

In Miami Dade County such things are normal. No one will bat an eye

If you would a sub 1500$ car from me and threatned to sue me id LOL at you on the phone. You can afford a lawyer but not a car off craiglist thats under 3000?

All the Mullet Heads accusing you of being a Liberal Hipster Marxist Doush because GASP* their Trans Am Is a plastic rickety piece of shit like most American cars where in the early 90s - mid 2000s.....yes it is fast in a straight line i get it but the popular concensus is that this car and many American Sports cars