Crack ! . People save your 22gs buy a Ls400 for 3k and tune the 1UzFe in it....ITB it ....and done
Crack ! . People save your 22gs buy a Ls400 for 3k and tune the 1UzFe in it....ITB it ....and done
It gets old
Yea lets ignore the more sensible v8 the 1UZFE that would of went perfectly with this car and swap in a default v8 and charge 22k.....blaeghhhhhh
Wanna know the best City and road to drive in...Palmettl Expressway in Hialeah a mecca of roadgoi-LMAOOOOOO HAAAA ! I coudnt even keep a straight face writing this . Listen you sorry sons of bitches this here highway is the road to HELL (if hell was populated with Cubans) i love the people but the roads and god help…
Inb4 you call Obama a Pussy.
Your fear is what ISIS gets their rocks off !! Keep calm and carry on
And that is the million dollar question. Stay tuned
But it wont . We will all be dead before 100% of cars will be autonomous . Hell i remember when they said we will have jet cars back in the 80s......people hype...and then common sense and regulations sinks in. Autonomous cars will NOT be ready for the next 30 years . Too many regulations and hurdles and insurance etc…
Idiocracy correctly fortold the future
Paul was not driving..
No they wont. The thing is there are many legal and technical hurdles to overcome . Until intelligent AI is created then we will see autonomous cars . Also infastructure has to be upgraded before autonomous cars will be supreme. This autonomous cars for the near future 40-60 years is a pipe dream
Trading freedom of movement for safety i see
Funny because R stands for ROTARY which “yours” does not have
Are you a Hamas paid Arabic supremecy troll?
What with the politicized comments???
Really ? Because i thought RX-7 stood for
Aint no RX7 without a Rotary
I think Mazda engineers can make it fuel efficiant
Why do opponents of the Rotarys get so standoffish? Jeez