It’s an interesting thing that’s happened over the last 30-40-50 years maybe. pendulum has certainly moved from workers’ rights/working condition to heavy support for the c-suite (not even counting the “rockstar” CEOs).
We’ve really vilified the poor. You’re poor because you’re dumb or don’t work hard. And speaking up…
We have created an asperational american mythology that we all could be rich someday. And we have done so for a very long time well over 100 years. We are raised believing the mertiocracy means the best people are the rich ones otherwise they would not be rich. I disagree but that is the poison of the lie of meritocrac…
Why is it so many people worship the rich? The cost of having billionaires like Jeff Bezos is thousands of people pissing in bottles in warehouses and overworked drivers like this guy.
Excuse me Elizabeth, but this is clearly another short-seller hitpiece on noted philanthropist and Tony Stark-irl equivalent, Elon Musk. I have been assured by numerous people online that he is an amazing and perfect person, and by extension so are his companies.
If over the course of several hundred deals thoughout the year MOST dealers get it right and have no problem sending out the door prices, even on out of state deals...the problem is not the “complexitity of the system” if a FL dealer refuses to send a quote for a Florida customer, especially when their competiton can…
You are correct the really bad ones much prefer uninformed customers, the better stores just want an easy deal and are more likely to be coopertive.
Zero to 100 kph (62 mph) in 6 seconds would be groundbreaking if the year was 2000.
“I expect that this will only be short-lived. Boomers only have so many years left upright.”
Holy shit Jamie Kitman is in da house!
Accuse the other side of things you are doing is pretty on brand, though.
Reverse: I find it rather amusing how many of the same conservative and right wing people who complain about “Cancel Culture” were the same ones who canceled the Dixie Chicks.
But if you’re buying a big SUV like this, it’s likely to be used on the open road. Or bought to aspire to ...
I don’t understand the GE diss either. Never had a problem with them. Can’t say the same for today’s wave of LG / Samsung which are terrific until they’re not which based on the experience of many friends is not all that far removed from purchase.
Supercharged V6, same GM platform... is this thing basically a Grand Prix GTP? Because is so, nice price.
As someone who sold Infinitis for quite a while, we all kinda knew this car was never going to happen. Infiniti couldn’t even be bothered to update its best selling SUVs, there was no chance they were going to come out with a high performance version of the slow selling coupe.
It’s only trucks that need to justify themselves to this type of person by working at their capacity all the time too.
Reminds me of getting an oil change and taking issue with the use of conventional oil instead of synthetic I’d requested (WRX wagon). Mechanic’s* answer was “your car doesn’t have a turbo so it doesn’t need synthetic oil”. Now, I suppose one might miss the turbo itself tucked in next to the engine and buried under…