
Surely most of the really fast EVs that currently exist are already traction-limited. I mean, a Model S Plaid will do 0-60 in two seconds. At what point do people just stop caring about 0-60 times for EVs? It just seems like a bit of a party trick that you might try out on a track three or four times (if that) and

Any brain worth draining would take a look at what 5 year’s salary buys you housing wise in suburban Detroit vs. the Bay Area and laugh at the idea of money being a draw for Silicon Valley.

Lol. I’ll have to dig through the settings when I get in the vehicle again.

In before all the Tesla fanboys come and tell you how you are dumb, wrong, that windshield wiper controls in a touch screen are actually the best way to handle controlling them (because reasons), people who can’t figure it out are dumb, and you should bow before your new lord Elon Musk

I like how people say this stuff, when nothing depreciates as fast as a German luxury car. 

Yeah man!  I have a ‘18 Cruze TDI.  I love it.


Here’s the thing about 15 minute cities: They’re terrible.

Yeah, but the interest rate is like 1.5% and you get a 6 month grace period. Agree on the tracking though, our bank made us be very specific with the money and how it was given out.

Yeah, but it’s a loan with potential forgiveness. To qualify for forgiveness, you have to track where the money goes, and 60% (originally 75%) has to go to payroll.

Bingo. Genesis is offering something unique in styling that at least people want... and I think they’re trying to fix their dealer network, at least by spinning off Genesis as a brand, they have taken a big step of many.

Genesis also suffers from the same problem of good cars, terrible dealers. Which is another blog for another time. :)

“The Auto Industry Is Cautiously Optimistic”

A noose is designed to slip on the fixed end. So if you grab it by the loop and pull, you’re going to close the loop around your hand, then you have to wiggle your hand out of it and loosen it again. If you want a loop to pull on, you don’t tie a noose, you tie a bowline.

It wasn’t a hoax. Wallace’s team didn’t plant it there and then feign outrage in an attempt to garner sympathy or support. It was there previously, as if it’s just no big deal. Which it troubling enough in its own right.

2nd Gear: They will go to arbitration and GM will pay a prorated amount back or GM will put some sort of skeleton crew at the plant for the remainder of the deal. Whichever is less money. The plant isn’t coming back.

Neutral: I think I know why I am a little slumped.
I have almost no variation in my days, no matter how hard I try. The cognitive intake I need to replace is that which I used to take for granted: The commute, the walking, the people (my work campus has 10k plus people on it), the variation, the walks around campus,

I can tell you one thing about bulls though. When they stomp and grind with their feet before charging in, that's traction.

LTIROCKS had posted on another thread and I thought this was an awesome breakdown of torque and horsepower because he included gearing considerations.