
'real' car guys/girls?

I'm I the only one who hears a maniacal laugh coming from this gif?

Audi S4s are amazing cars ... as long as they have forced induction. Because Audis are supposed to be heavy breathing nutters with weird configurations and a little too much weight ahead of the driver.

You know what would solve all these Airbag problems?

The Idea: Hey, you know what would be great? Since you guys are still using that same basic Charger platform from, what, 2005, why not give the Magnum another shot? That new front end sure would look hot on it, and a wagon with a 700+ HP engine sure could revolutionize the grocery-delivery business. Also, some backup

Yeah, and this is why dealerships don't need to exist. You aren't providing a service. You are acting as a middle man between the manufacturer and the customer. And the only reason that happens is because of an entrenched dealer network that won't allow direct to consumer sales.

Jesus. Think of the mechanical grip on those monsters.

Know what a car is worth. If you're buying a new car, and provide "true market" estimates that are reasonably accurate. If you're buying a used car, is a great resource, as it will tell you both the retail value and wholesale (aka trade-in) value.

No, it wasn't that it was overhyped. The car is genuinely terrible AND overhyped. The worst engine I've dealt with in a decade, and that includes the 3-cylinder mitsubishi Mirage and the Chevrolet Aveo.

Had it in sport when I was doing driving shots with the car, then put it into comfort for dealing with Michigan potholed roads. Wallowy in both settings, but tolerable in comfort. Sport was annoyingly non-sporty.

Nope. That was in Sport.

To be fair, I think Spa needs a lot less publicity than Infiniti of late.

Now we need to get Luda to get Tony Kanaan back for this little tweet.

The new 2014 Mercedes-Benz S550.

Ballaban, don't complain! It could be worse. Much much much worse.

That's why we normally refer to the modern stuff as Late-Model. And the problem with the Pony Car vs. Muscle Car debate with regards to this list is that the way we look at cars size wise has changed.

Actually, no. I'm going to have to disagree. It was reactionary, but totally understandable.

Okay, but here's the rub. The Viper hasn't been selling all the well, they're pretty damn expensive to take road racing, they aren't really cross shopped against their competition (Porsche 911, Corvette, Z4, etc).

I'm going to stop at 4. I may submarine and die, but my boys will be comfy.

Don't let a dealer tell you what your trade-in is worth, know what it's worth going in and negotiate accordingly. Often times Carmax will offer more than a typical dealer for a trade, so start shopping there.