
Weird, this was a Rescue Me story line.

Apparently you didn't watch Bristol last night.

Mendel is probably right there, though. Honda will always do well and I think the next 12 months are probably set for growth for the brand if they can actually get their cars to market in time.

So, back in my car sales days (I was helping manage at the time and wasn't selling for a few months) we had a customer arrive via Taxi Cab. She got out, the cab left in a hurry. and a young salesman greeted her. She was approximately 55-60, and had a thick Zsa Zsa Gabor-esque accent. She was apparently in the market

As long as they build a Hellcat Durango, and a Hellcat Ram Regular Cab (SRT-707), then we'll get along just fine. Otherwise, I say off with their heads!

You mean like not walking onto an active race track?? Unfortunately, every time this gets brought up again it points out that one major error on Ward's part. If he hadn't walked on to that racetrack, none of this happens.

It's pretty to miss a guy who isn't trying to hit you with his helmet. Ward wasn't going out to take issue with any of the other drivers, and as much as Tony seems to hit the gas (as others have suggested may have been to avoid the driver) it also looks like Ward stepped in to take his vengeance.

Patrick, maybe it's the way I speak, but by and large I didn't really have this problem. How do you suppose they'll add a control to this test?

Reality: Obsessively prepared and refined hardcore racing machines that run at ridiculous speeds all day long driven by an extraordinarily skilled and talented set of professionals. Even on road courses."

Probably because they were the standard issue family hauler for many years, wagons still have an undeserved reputation for being boring and uncool. Real car enthusiasts know that they're the only way to get the practicality of an SUV with the driving dynamics of a car. They make for great sleepers too.

Nope, just old and dating someone much younger so I don't hear anything but Family Guy quotes. Also, I leave the internet every evening and come back to it every morning. It does things while I'm gone i'm told.

"I, for one, welcome our turbocharged V6 desert-running overlords." HAHAHA. Thank god someone else watched the Simpsons.

2.) Figure Eight Train Racing

Democracy works by the consent of the governed. But we actually live in a democratic republic, but you probably already knew that.

Really? Explain a train then mack. And by the way, your prius can't tow. You are forgetting the point that materials have to move. And, if the trucks are used for their purpose, you are also SOL. So regardless of where the minerals even come from, or your original point about a ten year old truck, you're still stuck

Oh goody.

Small problem with this man, where is the equality? So Rolling Coal isn't okay but straight piping a mustang is? Or running catless mids on an STI?