
Look, it's 1:38 in the morning here. You aren't right, you don't understand the principles of production. You don't actually understand what rare earth minerals are or how much harder they are to get, and I'm really tired of your dribble.

Check the existence of Lithium on the planet when compared to oil. Then get back to me. Also, look what is taking to get to that lithium. Tokyo, you are way out of your depth.

I was always more of a physics man.... dangit. Thanks for correcting me teach! And apologies for the slight miscalculation.

Sign off defense... good attempt.

You mean because you didn't and then you dodged my simple questions with a redirect?

You're full of shit is what you are. If you were a practicing buddhist you would reject all earthly pleasures/evils. That includes cars. Pick up the teachings of Siddhartha again, you missed a chapter or five.

Right, so you must be the guy that has never ever gotten closer to a Skyline than that picture and your Gran Turismo then. Because, as you said, stereotypes exist for a reason in your world.

Apparently you do, because you keep arguing.

I have no need bud. That's why everyone is jumping all over you for the stupidity in your first post.

No, washing a truck is taking care of it. Lifting it and putting on big tires is a style statement.

Your name has Tokyo in it and you're standing in front of a Skyline. And you blanket stereotyped two American rigs (cars being inaccurate in this case). That is why people are jumping to that conclusion.

So you weren't using blanket statements to condescend to an entire community? No wait you were.

Jason, I like it. Also because it means I can see large cloud of hippie dust well down the road and will know I'll have to engage in passing a Prius at some point.

And what do you drive there guy? Let me guess, it isn't American.

Before everyone out there shouts WOOHOO, these guys pay for their idiocy by running rich, and by the way, this is also a chance for the EPA to crack down on ALL of us. Not just them.

You mean poop. It sounds like poop. Space-y poop, but poop none the less. Yep, nope, out.

No. Just no. Look, those number published by magazines... let's just say they wouldn't hold up in court. 0-5 is the margin of error at the start. So basically you have 0-5-60 actually tested.

So this is why their car quality has been tanking for the past decade...

Gotta vote for the XL1 for the simple fact that they had enough foresight to look to trains for inspiration. Diesel/electric hybrids are almost common sense, and yet VW is the only one pushing them... sort of.

So if you go mainstream, as a luxury brand, you have to do it right. Here I'm thinking of the Range Rover Evoque, which features unusual styling, and a Ford engine, and a Ford platform, and yet still manages to be cool, probably because it hasn't been out long enough to have any major electrical issues.