
there’s currently no evidence that alkaline water with higher pH levels actually does anything for you, that hasn’t stopped it from getting trendy—because of course there are people who are going to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on something to boost aesthetics.

Because the skill-sets of traditional intelligence and specialized sports ability are entirely different. I’m borderline gifted when it comes to math, but can’t read a Bear Front Middle Overload Blitz for shit.

Please approve for Accounting

Hunter Pence is a big fan of Mike Pence

Would you mind terribly if I used Out-Of-Shape Shitgibbons as my corporate softball team name this season?

This is fine. It’s all fine.

I actually find the opposite to be the case.

I finally understand where all of Stephen A’s vitriol comes from..

Yeah, but think of all the clicks it probably generated!!!

Here is what I mean. You could call these viral Facebook falsehoods hoaxes, and probably should, because that’s what they are; they share their lineage with the Cardiff giant and the alien autopsy and “Hack Heaven” and the moon landing (just kidding!).

Has anyone done this yet?

Give me a call if you want to know how it feels to finish 7th in the 2-man bobsled.


Always highlight truthers...

I was thinking writers, but I suppose there’s no need to limit the pool

From a strictly literary standpoint, who’s your favorite DS contributor?

What’s one thing you learned in 2016?

The spectators seem nonplussed at the sight of a Bills fan eating it at a tailgate.

Why is Terry Collins in you Daily Fantasy Sports group text?

Curious point at which “Kelley” was removed from the thread.