
Buttery Males!

I had to laugh at the title implying that the BMW Supra somehow might be more important.  Let’s face it, Toyota did not make a new Supra, no matter what logo is on that car.

“Also, Lincoln didn’t regard the Civil War as a mechanism to “deal with our original sin of slavery,” but he sure as hell freed our ancestors just so that he’d have the manpower to crush the Confederacy. So let’s not interpret his decision to do so as some kind of noble gesture.”

“If only his father had worn a “Don’t Say Nigger” t-shirt.”

And yet it still looks exactly like the 6-cyl drop-tops that are the favorite car of 50-something divorcees! Nice ride, brosef...

BMW fanboy here, I find that image almost pornographic...

My favorite was the young woman commuting to work in her gas-guzzler.  Probably some sort of start-up office job, millenials!

I love that the interior looks EXACTLY like that of my mom’s 1989 Camry wagon (minus the stick).

“You guessed it - the wheels were in the same position as when I left it,”

Huh? How is it a law that “you pass them because they are a danger”? In fact, if they are a danger, why would you approach them in the first place, safer just to stay behind and monitor them.

Of course the idiot wants to make the plane look worse.  Why mess with such a nice paint scheme?  Glad we are paying for this with our tax dollars...

“It should be noted that GM really started paying attention to interiors with this version of the CTS, a factor that still shows inside.”

But it is their hearing.  Hearing is way more important than fart-can mufflers, child.

No, your point was that cameras are worse than murder. 

Once again, do you think there are 4.1 uncounted murders in the UK per 100k?  No, you don’t and neither do I.  Their rate might be a bit higher if they count them just like we do, but it’s not going to ever be the same.  

And yet only one is forever. If you are robbed you can go on about your life. I would prefer to be robbed in England than murdered in the US, thanks!

So what, you think there are 4.1 more killings out there not counted? I doubt that.  As for non-murder violent crimes, I bet they are not worse than us, but I don’t have numbers and it is true comparisons are tough.

It’s shabby that they are doing so well on the murder rate compared to us?  Are you trying to say F all those who die, at least we don’t have cameras?

None of that changes my point.  My numbers were per 100k, which is comparable regardless of population.  And the easy access to guns is certainly part of the problem, which is why the UK’s handling of guns is part of the reason they are doing better on murder rate.

“yet violent crimes don’t seem to be very well abated”