
Farm Sim is more fun than being an actual farmer!  You get to see nice dawns without having to actually be up at dawn.  Also, you can make time go by faster while your crops are growing!

“don’t want to serve these young lads Wendy’s by candlelight”

Too soon!

Ask any non-Patriots fan and I’m sure the answer is that everything bad is Boston’s fault.

All streets should belong to bikes, far superior to horse-less carriages!

That’s a good point. Kinda dumb to pull a gun out if you are not about to need it, like, right then.  

The cop must have been related to the refs who blew that late call in the Saints game...

“Bartlett was charged with carrying a concealed firearm.”

It’s an art form, sure!  I’m probably just too anal about not breaking the go-parts on my car.

Could it be heat-related?  Like when you park your car after driving and hear the metal parts slowly cooling?  That might explain why it is non-rhythmic, at least.

LOL drifting!  Go slower around corners while at the same time ruining your tires and risking damage to your drivetrain!  What’s not to love!

I didn’t realize Pete Davidson was taking his break-up so hard...

Would love to know how anti-cop-killer legislation hurts black people.  I’ll wait...

“It would appear, however, that what he says and what he votes for are at odds with each other.”

Ugh, why put that engine in the worst mustang?  If you are going to spend the time and money, why not buy a better roller?  SN95's are only driven by divorcees and meth-headed idiots these days...

If if if. If they had guns, they would shoot him. If they had backpack nukes they would blow up the mall! In that case, why not just go throw them in jail before they even turn 11?

Once again, are you arguing that the existence of other, unrelated incidents is an element in arguing “self-defense”? Because you are wrong.

I don’t understand, are you arguing that the existence of other, unrelated incidents is an element in arguing “self-defense”?

Odd, the word “harassed” is not the word “attacked”. Were the kids yelling taunts at the woman? 

To the greys who think the man was with his wife and kid:  don’t.  The guy’s kids are in their teens/twenties.  The woman and child in the video were not with him.