
Everyone is racist, according to science.

No it is not.  Thanks for playing.

I have Irish blood, so I don’t bother trying to hide my blinding whiteness.

According to other articles, the guy has two kids, one is 20 and one is a teen.  I don’t think the mother and child in the video are his since the child is clearly not a teen.

I don’t think you can read that far in, based merely on an internet comment not including all possible scenarios. Especially since all possible scenarios are not present in the article.

“But the idea that it’s cool to punch whoever you want in the face as long as you’re not a man and they’re not a woman... it’s ridiculous.”

I don’t think that’s it. NC law actually states assault by an adult on a child under 12 is still only a misdemeanor. The law may be right or wrong but under that law he was apparently charged correctly.

It is a separate crime, punished somewhat more severely than assault on a man. The NC courts have upheld it for decades.

“no problem though with a black girl assaulting a white guy last week over “words”, right?”

“Hey you shouldn’t fight...LET’S FIGHT!”

Ha, I had to look up what the dismiss thing was, thanks!

What is worse, a mall cop or a regular person who actually WANTS to play mall cop?

LOL I am one!  We aren’t all busybodies, I promise!

It’s not relative height, it’s “reasonable” fear. It is unreasonable for me to fear my skinny 13-year-old female neighbor, unless she is armed.

No way to block people here?

It’s embarrassing for this grown man to have allowed the little girl to get under his skin.  I mean, maybe some anger management classes are in his future...

“There is no legal demand for a fair fight. If she was 6 years old, sure,”

This guy felt soooo threatened by a skinny girl that he hauled off and knocked her out.  Unless there was a weapon, this was a crime in my book.

So obviously if there are kids around you should start hitting them before they kill you?  

According to other articles, the guy doesn’t have a child as young as the one standing behind him. The article below says his kids are 20 and teen: