
I don’t get it, why was he being surrounded by these kids? The article linked below seems to suggest he was telling them to leave, but is he just some random dude who goes around telling people to disperse?

FCA product?  Shoulda been called the “brown eye”...

Right? It is absolutely nuts to call the average Latino/a an “enemy of faith”.  

Maybe just don’t have an exhaust so close to 95db

Good, fart-cans and those who employ them are annoying.

I love wagons like the rest of you, but why must we get fluff articles like this?  At this price it isn’t even a question: NP.

“develop sweet desert rigs that embarrass the raptor”

“surplus U2 spy planes”

Expert 3: Patrick George”

NFL: “We used a random-number generator. We generated a random number, and then assigned that number to Eric Reid, who was then tested for PEDs!”

“Pretty lucky considering the state of the car, and just a few seconds later and it would have likely cut through the roof. How terrifying!”

“The only drug that is smuggled in higher numbers between legal entry points is marijuana,”

I love gentrification articles. All the whine and no solutions.

Pioneering families moved west and called for Army assistance with native tribes, sure!

I love this, if a group of students all had the same answers, wouldn’t they all be investigated?

Flash is a f--king pyro...

Is it possible for someone to work against Nazism (or any other evil) while adhering to a belief in non-violence?

You know it’s going to be a bad year when you start off like that.  Anyway, I’m a FL resident and I love seeing Florida man get a beat-down.

I don’t get it.  If the truck was parked with an intent to block the chargers, why would the truck owner complain if someone tries to move their truck?  I mean, the truck owner certainly should foresee such actions, no?

Best part: He pulls her towards him, then gets a bit too much fight so he tries to back off and let her go. BUT SHE DOESN’T LET HIM GET AWAY, AND KEEPS TRYING TO PULL HIM BACK TO HER!