
Props for that one (air-)liner...

S**t.  I’m turning 39 soon and I hope to the Jesus I don’t look like that within the next year...

I got a used luxury sedan specifically BECAUSE it didn’t come with useless crap like lane-warnings and other such nonsense.  I will say though that I regularly see other drivers down here who could use such safety features.

I hear they are building a larger version of this tipper so that they can just tip the mountain upside down until the coal comes out...

Best bet is to hit up the local jazz club if you want to see folks unloading some Coltrane...

In that case, you might want to rethink ditching your contact lenses.

“A few dings and cracks appear present in the fenders but it doesn’t seem to be anything that couldn’t be masked by leaning on the car at a judicious angle or only driving it at night.”

“Armed patrolmen told Mr. Spencer that “saying stuff to us when we drive by” justifies investigation, arrest, detention, beatings, and prosecution”

LOL FWD and automatic, sounds “fun”.  Now we know why it was rarely driven.

I find it funny that my Lexus LS has such large rims and thin tires, considering the LS was supposed to be made for comfort and not necessarily corner-carving. The rims look great, but one can still feel it when one runs over a servant, which happens surprisingly freequently...

Test-drove a nice 5-speed Maxima back in the day. Met the “owner” on a random street, he came with his hard-looking buddy. Car had Pennsylvania dealer tag on it (we were in Mass). “Owner” stated he was selling for a “friend”.

The President is entirely correct!  If you must rent out your rooms to Boarders, then walls are necessary and preferred by everyone living in that house!  If you Boarder’s like that new-fangled rock music, then walls could save your hearing!

Actually, my e28 drives almost exactly like the e46 I used to have, just with worse steering. Makes sense considering they had similar numbers and weight.

The way I see it, drifting is for kids who cannot afford actually fast cars, but who can afford frequent sets of tires.

Wow, a gif of someone going around a corner in the slowest method possible while at the same time destroying his tires.

“I can’t imagine why anyone would want a 1990 vintage Japanese car when you can get infinitely more performance and safety and tech and everything from a newer car, often for a lot less money.”

How does Luxembourg compare with NYC?

““well as long as it is marginally better than a human than i am 100% fine with it””

Write this article about any other person on the planet and I would assume it was satire.  In the instant case, I cannot make that assumption...

“You ever been on a high-speed train? ... I took one between Barcelona and Madrid last summer, and there was a speedometer in every car. It fuckin’ ruled.”