
Hmm, what’s this red switch do?

It’s really too bad that the fast Mustangs share the same body as the ones driven almost exclusively by middle-aged divorcees!

It seems to me that CPI protects Wells from the car being damaged.  Gap insurance would protect the car owner in the event the car was totalled and insurance paid only the blue-book value (which is sometimes less than the outstanding loan amount).

It’s so easy to forget my project car buried in my garage.  I ended up cleaning and re-organizing out there last weekend and really got excited by the project all over again!  The thing doesn’t even run right and has almost no brakes (e-brake works, thank baby Jesus!).

“2nd Gear: EVs Will Be Allowed to Go Faster Than Normal Cars Starting Next Year In Austria”

My former neighbors had two Amantis.  Why yes, they were meth dealers, why do you ask?

If it doesn’t have The Jesus rocking a submachine gun, then it won’t be enough to satisfy the goobers out there in Trumpistan...

“but was denied the “stand your ground” defense because the prosecutor claimed, many critics say wrongly, she could have escaped”

1.) Regardless of regs, you can still drive your trucks.  Heck, they might even get better gas mileage! 2.) Why are you allowed to dictate the fate of our entire world’s climate?

I remember my e46 had audio controls on the left side of the wheel, so shifting was free to happen without regard to what was playing on the radio. I wonder why they changed that?

“Enter the updated 2019 Acura ILX, which looks much better now and has the drive to match.”

So the guy had two large collage-type stickers made and put one up on either side?  Weird, but efficient!

I’m a fan of the Obama regs but I agree with you about trucks.  If all light trucks were used as work vehicles, then I would feel like an exemption would make some sense.  However, I don’t like to see folks here commuting to an office job in a big ol’ truck, it makes no sense, environmentally.

CP.  The Mansory sign on the tailgate just makes an ugly car even uglier.

It was incredibly funny to my early-20's self!

I love seeing the “Punisher” skull on shirts and trucks and stuff. It’s like a beacon showing which people are idiots who think they are tough.  News Flash:  If you were really the Punisher you wouldn’t advertise it...

Awww the wittle trump humper getting his snowflake on?

The easy answer is that low reliability will come back to bite them when it’s time to sell or trade in the car.  Even if the new car buyer plans to hold for only 4 years, if the car is known to have issues in year 5 then selling it could be a problem.

Hooray, a stupid president is going to spend more of my money developing nukes when WE ALREADY HAVE THOUSANDS OF NUKES.  

What white person has never seen Forrest Gump?  There is no way any white person of this man’s age doesn’t remember the scene about Gump’s namesake.