The Cranberry Cap'n

“What I don’t understand,” asked Hines, “is why this state senator is moving to do cultural genocide on the Southern men and women. I don’t get that. Maybe he’s not from the South. I don’t really know him.”

The shooter was 21 years old. As much fun as it is to say all the racist/sexist/homophobic etc etc problems in our society can be solved by simply waiting for all our Olds to die off, these mentalities are very much alive and well in people our age and younger, as this man demonstrates.

This problem can’t be solved by

I ship Stewart with the fire of a million suns, but it was Wilmore’s rage and frustration that got me teary eyed when I watched this morning, more-so than Jon’s speech.

I’m very glad he called this what it is: racism. It’s not a “war on Christianity” (which of course REALLY means a “war on white people” when Fox News discusses it). This was an attack on a prominent black church by a man who said “you people are raping our women,” who wore an apartheid emblem, and who wanted to start

I read this in another forum yesterday: “It just seems that no matter what happens, the white person is misunderstood and the black person is dead.” That one sentence hit me as so profoundly true and succinctly all-encompassing that it is still running through my head this morning.

“I never heard him say anything, but just he had that kind of Southern pride, I guess some would say. Strong conservative beliefs,” he said. “He made a lot of racist jokes, but you don’t really take them seriously like that. You don’t really think of it like that.”

I still do not understand how it is acceptable for this flag to be flown...ever. It is, quite literally, a symbol of hatred and oppression. I don’t understand people who fly it as “country pride” or whatever and I really don’t understand how governmental buildings can fly it.

I cried on the way to work this morning when I read about that little girl playing dead to survive. Five years old.

A five year old should never have to play dead for any reason other than they think it would be fun. They should never have to witness death and destruction like this. No one should.

I can’t decide how I feel about the 5 year old thinking of playing dead to protect herself. I am proud (I don’t even know if that is the right word) that she followed her survival instinct, but immensely sad that she had to do that, and sad/glad for whoever raised her that taught her to listen to her gut.

Well, with the context in mind, yeah the wind is out of the sails. I was never a Star Fox fan, but I was kind of excited with what they could do. I want a free flying game, not something that’s on rails. That was for the early 90’s that were tied to technological limits.

This announcement was the perfect example of the big issue with the Square conference.

They had some interesting stuff but like half of it was waaaaaaaaaaaay too early in development to be announced. The new Nier was basically animated concept art and this last project was just basically just super early concept art

Yup, it s probably very nice but definitely not enough to save the show. All we got was sequels to not-so-important series and an okayish Star Fox.

Most disappointing conference this year. Lets just pretend it never happened.

somewhere in the corner of the internet where they celebrate white history month, i imagine