The Cranberry Cap'n

The red one on Hathaway is particularly bad.

I’m surprised the good doc didn’t bring up the racial undertones of letter one, on the writer’s part. It seemed pretty clear to me that he was surprised he was attracted not just to a heavier woman, but a black one. Farrah deserves someone who will value her more than the discomfort of dating her because you have

Well helloooooo Daniel Wu. Looks like he’s there throughout the movie from the trailer, hope he gets good screen time.

I dunno, do you work for a Nazi sympathizer who empowers them?

Well they’re DEFINITELY not supposed to sound smart AND be a woman.

I really appreciated her candor in this interview. I also immediately recognized that Bernie or Diers would jump all over it as proof she’s too much of a “bitch” to be president.

Ex-queeze me, don’t shit on my suburban corner store that’s open all night. That guy sells the best ice cream with the casual grumpiness you expect. The “bodega” vending machine app can fuck off from my city and my suburb both.

Sure, but there is a way to write that that recognizes he is an obsessed 18-year-old with an unhealthy relationship to idealized romance that has turned to stalking and harassment. This book does not accomplish that.

It sure seems like Nintendo put out a cease and desist, because it’s not there anymore.

Yeah, I’m getting the vibe that he has only stopped because “being associated with Nazis is bad for my image now, because they’re like torch wielding crazy people on the news and not imaginary.”

That was my whole couch at our watch party on Sunday too.

It’s still a terrible excuse on Google’s part. 60 cases of discriminatory behavior even among 13,000 is a LOT. Small sample size my ass.

Wtf this is so creepy

I would assume that like other games, you might pick your gender first, then build the avatar in the next screen.

Sign me up for Westworld: Space Edition

I think you vastly underestimate how young children start developing- and insisting upon - a preference for clothing. My daughter started refusing to wear anything but brightly colored dresses starting at age two. I have bought her things — cute things! — that I can only force her to wear at age four with many tears.

Jebus, this damage was done with a Corgi?? This lady’s dog is out of control.

I would think this is a cameo role in flashbacks rather than resurrecting him. Steve plays a pretty important role in WW’s emotional development so having him in a flashback or dream sequence would make sense. I don’t think it means he’ll have a starring or central role in the new plot.

Are there any plans for Momtaku too? Some of us moms with kids (daughters in my case) and a log history with video games have some unique stories to tell too. Any moms on the Kotaku team?

Yes that is definitely what Luke’s point was.