The Cranberry Cap'n

It definitely looks like baby Mercy instead of the game’s version, which is why at first I thought it was an over-processed teen cosplayer photo. I’m impressed that Blizzard created such a good design with Mercy that she is conventionally attractive yet clearly also older than the prototypical vidjya game character.

I am a woman in my 30's, dude.

Yes, this. If our close business partners had uncertain leadership, we’d be exploring our other options too. It’s one of the big reasons why America has scaled down its dependence on oil from the middle east.

Excuse me, sir, but I have great ideas. The best ideas, and we’re gonna make BM’s great again. You’ll see, just trust me.

Yeah, getting an underage vibe from all of these.

Honestly, I find these kind of creepy. Impressive work, but creepy looking.

Very true — the last facist state united us, why not these ones too?

That’s great. I am a proud very liberal coastal woman, and right now I think we all need to band together against authoritarianism. We can debate policy later, but right now we need unity on this. And since the GOP has almost all the power right now, getting your congresspeople on board is even more important.

That’s what I see a lot of now. Any pointing out of the facts is declared “fake news” or “snowflakes,” because they don’t like what it has to say. There’s just no arguing with it. Propaganda is the real news, to them.

Hello, I am a Certified SJW. Not true, I also care about fat men, including this dude with a crappy seat cover and Hyundai’s bullshit excuse that he’s too fat to be covered by warranty. They covered this in my training courses.

It’s so shiny, it looks like it’s been covered in baby oil before the posing competition.

We too are feeling those not-an-island vibes

I think anti-abortion is the most accurate. Seems like a majority only care about abortion — not women’s bodies, not what happens to the mother or child later, not quality of life, not birth control, not social stigma and lack of support around around mothers, not a culture that makes it nigh impossible to be a

This is perfect.

This is the only way I can play these games or watch these movies. By myself, just can’t do it.

I also do not understand the real bizarro world we live in where a thrice-divorced, sexual assaulting, lewd, clearly not Christian man who supported abortion until the last year and a half and cheated on all of his wives could become the leader of the Republican party, but truth can be stranger than fiction, I suppose.

A friend of my family from Ghana’s wife screwed up by misunderstanding the U.S. Consulate. She answered “no” to the question “have you ever been here before?” by which she thought they meant the building, not the consulate itself. It had changed buildings since the last time she went there.

This seems pretty, but awfully stark for creative work.

Agreed. Political activism is learned largely by doing, often through organizations. I know that for me, my first letter to my Congressman was organized through my church, not college. A college degree might help you prepare for it, but it’s not necessary to understand basic civic foundations, and with white college

I mean, if you didn’t click on it and read it, they wouldn’t post it. Popular articles and games get more content, because their revenue is content driven. The solution if you don’t like these articles is literally not to click on them.