The Cranberry Cap'n

Caught that too. Wife claims he “sat down” on a screwdriver and it got stuck. Sure, sure. Why not.

It’s shorthand for the specific kind of misogyny against black women (hence the combination of “misogyny” and “noir,” French for “black”.) It is the specific kind of racialized sexism that black women face. In this example, associating the First Lady with African apes to dehumanize her in a way that would never be

Misogynoir too.

I can tell you that this is not how unions talk to their members when they care about them. My union leaders have made some unpopular concessions because they had to compromise in order to work with the company. But they always communicated with us with compassion for our concerns, even if they were still going

True, but that’s absolutely not how that letter would have been worded if the primary concern was simply informing the women that there’s no way to refuse to do the inauguration. The phrasing “invalid,” “ranting of the public,” “you should consider it an honor,” “this country will not survive if it remains divided”

The way that letter is worded makes me think the writer is definitely a Trump supporter. Which surprises me, given the Republican track record on unions. The throwaway line about if it was Hillary it would be the same doesn’t throw me off the stench.

I’m actually surprised. Floridians generally understand how seriously dangerous these animals are, it’s the tourists who underestimate them. The last person I would expect to “keep” a gator as a pet is a Flordian.

I really don’t understand why we don’t have mandatory reporting laws. Government employees are mandatory reporters for child abuse, but why not everyone? We should all be required to report child abuse.

They are pretty big animals though, so a lot of that is going to need to be frozen, given to friends, or turned into jerky.

They would be much more beautiful if they hadn’t been rapidly depressurized. They are used to living at very high pressure in the ocean, being brought to the surface (and quickly) kills them. Their eyes and bodies look weird and deflated because they can’t maintain their shape and/or explode coming up to the low

Partially, yes. The one with a bunch of teeth is a frilled shark. The purplish slimey one with a huge mouth is a stoplight loosejaw fish. They’re still weird looking alive and in their natural habitat, but not horrifying and goopy and from depressurization.

I wonder if partly it is because their bodies are essentially depressurized. They look weirdly floppy, but they’re used to living at very high pressures so deep in the ocean.

It’s also stupid — because from my time working in hospitals, celebrity records are under false names. Or even if not, who accessed the files is easily traced.

I have been watching some documentaries about the history of European empires and I’m reminded just how recent a lot of autocratic rule was. The Romonov Tsar autocrats were still in power in Russia 100 years ago.

I just lol’d forever at white men getting criticism for 10 whole years now.

I snuck in to see him at a Democratic convention before he announced his plan to run for the Presidency in 2008. I distinctly remember thinking at the time “wow, I hope he runs for President some day, I’d vote for him.” A few months later he announced his candidacy.

Hey man, do it. Even if you can’t get anyone else on board, shipping them a bottle of mid range whiskey will run you less than the cost of the game. And from someone who doesn’t work in games, but had worked in other professions with the public, even one person sending a tin of ginger snaps for the office means a lot.

I’m down for oatmeal but please leave the shriveled grapes out of it.

Yes but why is there a poster of the Prez pointing at himself in the mirror behind them