The Cranberry Cap'n

It’s unprofessional. These are the kind of thoughts you keep to yourself or divulge with a trusted colleague at the café, not to a journalist in a story where you already look bad.

I’m curious, why’d you get out of it, since you don’t do it any more? I always loved to perform even though I am an introvert, but couldn’t get into school for it and didn’t want to risk everything to move to LA or NYC to try my luck. Always fun to hear about other people’s experiences who chased after that dream.

I think because some people enjoy acting (and so on) for itself, and this is the way to get paid to do it. Even Jennifer Lawrence, who is now a megastar, was acting in small independent films until she took the role of Katniss Everdeen. An interview I saw with her a long time ago she described being torn and anxious,

Jeez. This Marsh guy isn’t making himself look any better. Or professional at all, frankly. She wants to look self-important? People are lazy and cost me money for pointing out offensive material? Oh boo hoo.

Omg, Walkers. My dad LOVED those. I haven’t had them in years. Now I’ll have to go pick some up for old times’ sake.

Is this to be a series, or a one-off movie?

Yeah I’m for it.

That’s very interesting! Yes, the store brands of instant hot cocoa here typically have less actual chocolate in them, which is the primary reason why I make my own with genuine cocoa powder (which is the old-fashioned, but far superior in my opinion, way of making hot cocoa), which is basically just ground up cocoa

Interesting. Filter coffee is the go-to coffee preparation for home and the office here, generally speaking, although Keurig single-serving cups and hipstery forms of preparation (pour-over, French press, cold brew, etc.) are becoming more popular. Nescafe is the cheapest of the cheap stuff here. I can’t think of many

Man, I love it when people fart around on CAD programs.

I think these versions are visually confusing, too. They’re stylistic and the colors are en vogue, but something about the colors and style makes them hard to actually read. The ones done previously for Frasier and Friends are much easier and more interesting, because they are readable.

I should mention instant coffee isn’t very popular here. It’s the kind of thing you only buy when you’re going camping. Most homes almost exclusively use regular coffee grounds. Almost every home has a coffee pot, though. When we make tea or instant hot cocoa, it’s usually single-serving so few people have much use

It is indeed a real book (it’s a satire book written by a writer for The Onion, with chapter titles like “Introduction: Thanks for Celebrating Black History Month by Acquiring This Book,” “How to Speak for All Black People” and “But I Don’t Want to Kill People.”) Whether it’s a real photo of her holding that book, I’m

Even if that’s true and she is a well-intentioned white liberal and not someone making fun of a black man’s book, she’s still part of the problem. Well intentioned white people have been pretending that racism is someone else’s problem since abolition.

I have an electric kettle do I use that. But the people I know without one either microwave water or use a pot.

Oh man, I tried to like sweet tea but it’s just so, so sugary. Even with all the ice in the world to cut the taste I have a hard time with it. Still sip it to be polite though!

Definitely a tea pot. Tea kettles aren’t a standard household item here, but we know they are for boiling water, not steeping tea.

Probably because they aren’t trying to look like anthropomorphized animals or human-animal hybrids. They’re dressed as humans with costume designs based on Pokemon design colors and elements.

Honestly I was so glad for the high waisted trend just to get more use out of undersized shirt lengths, tuck those suckers in and go from frumpy and awkward to polished and on trend.

I feel you. I look at shirts by the bottom to find the longest ones. Otherwise it’s awkward belly shirt city.