The Cranberry Cap'n

Bobby, you also need to change “Robert” to “Richmond.” Richmond is Alexis’ brother who shared the news of her death. Robert was Alexis’ birth name.

Well, I mean... there are trained geologists as a part of the Curiosity mission, and hundreds more working tangentially to the project. They’re already looking at this for many, many, many hours. But the scientist quoted in the article already said there is evidence of groundwater in how the sandstone was formed.

I love that. “These are boys dresses.” Can't argue with that.

That’s also true, although I was mostly referring to the thousands of generations of American Indians who buried their dead here for thousands of years, not just the disrespectful graves and grave robberies committed by European invaders.

What? Indigenous people were burying their dead here for at least twelve thousand years before Europeans arrived.

There are a lot of unmarked graves here too, they’re just usually from indigenous people.

Really? I thought he sounded like he was trying to be encouraging. Like, you don’t have to be the most successful (e.g. The McDonald’s of acting) to make a living, so just do it. Basically.

Sorry Husqvarna, I only have room in my heart for one game about chopping wood, and the spot has been taken for a long time.

I played all three XIII games. It took me until partway through the last game to finally come to terms with the fact that the games were nonsensical and terrible and I didn’t like them. I tried to like them but couldn’t care about the world, the characters, the story, nothing. There were enough threads and pinpricks

I thought I was terrible at video games for a long time as a child, until I realized that the Stargate, Lion King, and Aladdin games that I had were fucking impossible even for people who weren’t 7 years old.

The only one I use is “privates,” a catch-all for any gender. I think it’s reasonable because it doesn’t sound too precious nor implies shaming, only privacy of that area, which I think is healthy and safe. Otherwise we use the proper terms with our kids.

The California law is for parental leave. It’s for any parent. So he’s not just sexist, he's stupid for assuming none of his male employees will ever want to take time off for their kids.

Jesus. Though this explains a lot about the kinds of people in top management. Family men who value things outside work: weeded. Workaholics who give up any other life for the company: cultivate.

“Deflated Baby Balloon of Shame” lol yes that’s exactly the right description. I’m not ashamed of it, but the postpartum pooch is real. My older child likes to poke “my squish.”

As a mom of preschoolers and currently home on maternity leave, athleisure (aka yoga pants, loose top) isn’t so much a statement of wealth or fitness than it is easy, washable, and comfortable with a post-baby body (which is all completely out of proportion all of a sudden, and nothing fits right.) I’m really glad I

I don’t think he does, he’s a convicted felon for assault so I’m pretty sure he can’t possess firearms. Hence why, other than threatening someone with a gun, he is in extra big doo-doo.

Well, I mean, they already would have had to look past his convicted domestic abuse to remain a solid fan. Blaming a woman for calling the police on him is peanuts by comparison.

I need to read this book

It shocks me, really. I live in a mixed area, politically, but the teachers are very careful not to endorse any one political viewpoint. They would get in huge trouble with both the parents and the school if they said anything close to this, whether it was from a liberal or conservative view point.