The Cranberry Cap'n

Nothing says “it’s a party” like giant cubes of ham and baby carrots on a stick.

10/10 would wear this dress all the time

Honestly part of me wants to buy a ticket for this apparently awful movie just to support Wonder Woman and pray that her movie is better.

Maybe things like this will bring them back, at least for a time. I’d never buy one of these for my house even if I could afford it, just the size of the thing makes it ridiculous to own. But I would totally go spend a few bucks to try it out at an arcade.

Once upon a time, when video games were prohibitively expensive to have at home, we had these places called arcades where you could go to play them for a small fee.

No idea, I’m 30 too and I don’t understand the appeal of Pewdiepie or any kind of video reviews or Twitch streaming, for that matter. /old

Honestly, from the way he is writing, the guy sounds super depressed and demoralized. I don’t really blame him. His “why am I bothering, did anyone even like this or are they just being nice” tone is very familiar to me.

By the “Spy” trailers, I thought that movie looked terrible and had no interest in it. But I watched it at someone else’s house when they rented it and it was really funny and ended up being a great movie. I think this one is going to be good too, I'm not making any judgements by the trailer.

Wait, wait. You’re not concerned with how our President will affect us, and yet everything will be fine? Fine for you, maybe, but the 300 million people who have to live here will actually have to deal with whoever the next President is, their appointments (especially the Supreme Court appointments), and their

Does that dog have a boner in the sheet?

True, although we don’t actually know whether Saturn et al have solid cores or not. We infer that they don’t, but part of the “suicide missions” are to help get more information and find out if there could be anything solid beneath the gaseous atmospheres, or if it is a compressed liquid metal core.

What PrettyLegit said is right. Disney is a lot of fun, as long as you know what you’re going for. The rides are great, the effort put into all the art and sets is worth admiring all on its own. People complain about the kids and crowds but half the fun is watching the magic on 90% of the kid’s faces when they see the

From what I understand, getting to dress up as “bad guys” in Disney World is one of the best gigs, because you don’t have to smile or look pleasant to tourists all the time. So being a Storm Trooper will probably be great.

The panel I took it from definitely seems like he’s talking to someone in order to access their apartment building.

He’s a victim of emotional abuse, with physical threats to himself and his things to boot. Abuse really twists the mind into thinking there is hope, that the highs are worth the lows, that if he just does the right thing, she will love him and everything will be okay again.

He is a middle-school me’s fever dream, if Cumberbatch was a “thing” back then. It’s like something I would have doodled on the back of my Lisa Frank folder.

Manga-face Cumberbatch is really freaking me out.

Once I had a dentist named Dr. Teeth, but I had to stop going because I’m allergic to feathers.

Sort of; “parmesan” is the translated word for parmigiano. In the EU, parmesan is the same thing as parmigiano-reggiano and falls under the same legal definition and restrictions. It’s only outside the EU, like in the United States, that the translated word “parmesan” is allowed to be used on parmigiano-like cheeses.

Or buy parmigiano reggiano if you can afford it and it’s available. Parmigiano, rather than Parmesan, is strictly regulated.