The Cranberry Cap'n

I think most people would understand if there is serious baggage with one’s family. But that’s not the only reason a person isn’t close with their family. It could be a family of people who just don’t value closeness, or from someone who is very focused on their own life and career, and who may not value going home

Seriously. When I have used the term “he is such a nice guy” in my life I have never, ever been talking about one of these self-pitying, sex-entitled types who think it’s women’s fault no one can see their brilliance.

I think, like many things in American politics, this is a racialized story. Carson is banking on his “hood to good” narrative that a large amount of white people in this country find appealing. It puts poor, urban black people in a bad light and upholds the popular narrative of black acceptability politics. Through

Wait, is this the cop from Sense8?

Mass Effect was so bad with that. I thought I would be having a normal conversation and suddenly I’m making weird flirtation I didn’t mean to do and which was not signaled well by the conversation choices. Especially when Shepard was a woman, in Mass Effect 2 every encounter with Jacob was creepy and suddenly sexual

Ew. Stew is for eating, not taking pictures of, people. Even the New York Times food section with their fancy high-paid food photographers have a hard time selling the visuals on that shit.

I’m wondering if the shirtlessness isn’t a health code violation? I feel like it would be here in the States. Too much potential for injury and for body fluids (sweat) to get into the food with no barrier.

I would be more excited about final fantasy again if it looked this playful in the games. 10/10 would play.

I have also lost an old friend to heroin. It happened to be around the same time there was a lot of news about the heroin stock being stronger than usual and a lot of heavy users were dying of accidental overdose. I wouldn’t say he came from a poor background, although he wasn’t quite wealthy either, and he did have a

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think this should be used as a metric to discriminate against blue collar workers or poor people.

I do wish that the article had gone further and compared the rates to other demographic groups. Is it the rapid rise that is surprising? How does the ratio of deaths by suicide and drugs compare to impoverished people of color? And so on.

I absolutely believe it, 100%

Could be. Combine that with an overreliance on prescription drugs for pain management, possibly a higher risk of chronic pain from physical labor/blue collar jobs, limited access to more advanced medicine and management practices, and a damaged economy, and it sounds like a recipe for public health disaster to me for

I’m being hyperbolic, of course, but any print really would be rad.

So basically white *poor* Americans, which is hardly surprising. Impoverished people are consistently a class of Americans who get left behind on medical and mental health care, including whites.

Maybe, but I would prefer the dignified formality of the original for above my offspring’s crib.

Well yes, it’s for adolescents, but so are The Giver and The Hobbit. They’re simple but that doesn't stop them from being good and influential books.

Where can I buy a three foot print of this to hang in my office and also my daughter’s nursery please

I would be very curious to see what would happen if all the television networks just said “fine,” and didn’t run or televise any GOP debates at all. I mean, I know they won’t because of $$$$, but at what point does journalistic integrity finally hit the breaking point?

I just appreciate that her family is in relatively normal-looking Halloween Superstore polyester outfits. They look like any other family showing up in my decidedly-not-posh neighborhood for candy.