The Cranberry Cap'n

I'm told they come with curse filters to protect our delicate ears. All I hear when I put them on is "The Sound of Music" on repeat.

This is perfect for the new Spiderwoman game.

I really love the "We Will Not Forget" sign with a chicken face. I want that for my living room.

I would say this isn't really an appropriate franchise for young children, but who would want this anyway? These look terrible.

I love to learn history!

I legitimately cackled. Bravo.

I didn't think that seemed so bad, but then BondageKitty strapped to the mirror caught my eye.

Want! Want!

I think they were talking about children's playscapes, rather the rest of the park. I'm a dog-owner and parent so I understand the tug-of-war between fair use and safety. I'll let my dog off the leash if no one else is around (or far away) so we can play fetch, or whatever. Or if I'm on hiking trails and no one else

actually, a lot of the reason we call animals in the field and meat on the table different words in English has to do with the history of French conquest hundreds of years ago. When the French took over, the aristocracy either were supplanted by French gentry or were forced to cater to them, including speaking French

Also, the traditional proposal — as in popping the question to a completely unsuspecting woman who was not already primed and practically proposing herself, as you say — rarely existed. It is a romantic story that has been rare but nonetheless entertaining the masses in plays and stories for centuries. Either

Old social expectations are hard habits to break. Also, I would be afraid of taking that moment from my husband, who is a hopeless romantic and I knew he wanted to do it. However, for other couples I can see where this is different. Personally I am a fan of the older form of marriage proposal, which is where two

My thoughts exactly! Guy flies a plane into a bomb and only gets a wing.

I do understand that, but in that case I think someone would ask whether something contained Red 40 dye, not say "I'm allergic to red."

War stories, basically. Giving birth, however you do it, is a physically and emotionally significant experience. Telling women never to talk about something that has so much impact on their bodies and their minds is unfair. I mean, we should all be considerate of one another and know not to prattle on for the

Good for you, that's great. Screw impossible standards of any type. Your worth and your beauty is not determined by others. Embrace that face!

The color red. Wow.

Haha yes, I forgot that Sugarhill was big on proxies. It's true though, it's so important, and sometimes not a job that you want to give to or burden your newly-stricken loved ones with. Having someone who you know will honor your desires with a clear head and relieve those who may be conflicted or confused is a

From the morphed images, it seems like the designs are getting more youthful. Larger eyes, smoother and rounder faces, and more delicate features reads much younger than the designs of the 80's to me.