The Cranberry Cap'n

And if you don't have a Facebook.. then I really don't see us going very far. I use Facebook a lot.

Especially if you've never had one like that before. It feels like you're dying.

I miss you.

This is my face.

Congratulations, Japan, you have out-America'd America.

I had to turn down the volume on my computer. To be fair to him, that would be my exact reaction. DUCK HUNT DOOOOG

This is Sparta?

I might pick it up when it's in the discount bin next year. Until then I'm saving my pennies for Smash and the like.

True, although I still argue sometimes having a game you just button mash your way through is fun, in a brainless sort of way.

Well sure, but he was a kid. And his association with Bruce Wayne basically destined him for a long, dangerous, and difficult life as a masked vigilante. Batman has always been morally ambiguous in some areas, and his penchant for taking on young protegés, some of whom die (and then undie, but whatever, the threat of

I don't think so, honestly. I think Tumblr just attracts people from different backgrounds like the queer community and other non-heteronormative orientations in general.

The fact that the person on the other end of these DMs and messages is refusing to meet in person or Skype or what-have-you is a giant red flag. Their "excuses" are so transparent that it's almost comical; "I love you so much that I might explode if we meet in person" is dodgy as hell even if it's said with the

Unless she's his relative, an 8-year-old living with a grown man seems a little... I dunno... weird? I'm sure there's a back story they will tell, but at face value it's a little strange. Very Batman/kid Robin; super cool until you think about it too hard.

Wow, if it looks this disgusting in promo pictures, I'm not optimistic about the actual product.

I'm usually kind of "meh" on Pokemon stuff (too old, I guess?) but gosh darnit, that's just wonderful.

I don't need to "make of that what I will." First of all, pointing to the mechanics of abusive relationships makes no sense when trying to make claims about what all women want, including those in healthy, non-abusive relationships. Come on. In any case, I don't even have to explain myself, I can let people who are

This is just begging for Cheeto stains.

Maybe not gross, but kinda goofy looking, in my opinion. It's definitely not designed to be a ladies' watch.

Watching and hearing (and putting your own interpretation on it), but clearly not actually talking to or interacting with, by the looks of it. In any case, you haven't even disproved my points. You say you "learn a lot by watching and listening." If that's so, I've watched and listened to many women personally tell me

I'm kind of surprised how many kids have actually seen these movies. I enjoyed them because it was like a grown-up version of Batman: The Animated Series. But then my nephew said he saw it, and he was like 10 at the time. My niece saw it too and she was 8. It just seemed a little young for all the torture porn,