The Cranberry Cap'n

First of all, she looks awful in that armor because the character, Brienne of Tarth, is supposed to be ugly. She was written that way. They are trying to make her look bad, not because she happens to be wearing practical armor. Brienne also happens to be one of the only characters with a shred of decency and is a

Sometimes I want to be wealthy and famous just so I have the power to refuse to work with these people and bring more light to their reprehensible crimes.

Mayhem is a nickname to protect her identity.

Definitely. Like I said, I think the problem is not the toys' existence, but their categorization as "for" one gender over another, which obviously makes no sense, because the skills in each type of play are things that every child needs to learn. Having a baby doll teaches children how to be nurturing. This is

Agree. I am thin, but I don't exercise and often I eat like shit. I "look" healthy, but I'm not. And yet my doctor's don't ask about it or badger me to be better because I don't look a certain way. Meanwhile, my friends who are fat exercise all the time, eat well, and have great health, but they get called unhealthy

Wow. That really illustrates it well. The Lammily doll is still slender by actual-people standards, and yet Barbie is so much smaller.

My mom forgot to buy me dolls. I had a brother first, and we didn't have a ton of money. So I played with whatever he had plus an American Girl doll that she bought me after someone mentioned "Wait, does your daughter have any dolls?" when I was already seven years old.

Wow, okay. You are clearly fatphobic, so there's no point arguing further. Bye.

Brainwashed would be my assessment. The body of that doll is not even close to looking overweight, and that's the point, it's trying to combat the idea that Barbie = average and actually average = fat. Even if she were fat, I don't see how having more body representations out there for children to identify with as a

I think what people mean when they say graphics don't matter is "increasing photorealism isn't the goal." Or at least doesn't make a game fundamentally better when comparing games in the same generation. That much is obvious from this article, which shows how much work goes into making the proper lighting to create

I think you can actively participate in your local troops. I live in an area where the Councils have basically issued counter-statements that say "the BSA said this, we think that's bullshit and we will be ignoring it."

Honestly, I feel bad for the kids who are caught in between. The Scouts are punishing the kids, and then in turn donors who disagree with that are punishing the Scouts, which punishes the kids. Most of these kids are just trying to go camping and learn how to tie knots, and they're the ones ultimately getting shit on.

I think you could, but it would have to be very carefully rewritten to recognize the roles that women realistically played in Italian American mafia culture. Still, I'd love to see it done.

First off, spoilers. Secondly:

Disagree. I think she looks like she floated down from heaven. She's pulling off the deep V better than I've seen many an actress try in recent years.

No. The body produces colostrum, which often doesn't make an appearance until after the birth. Then for various reasons it may never come in fully, or takes too long to turn into milk from colostrum. For me, it took 5 days. By the 4th day, my baby was dehydrated and starving, so I gave her formula until my milk

I saw someone write this on Facebook and I thought it was a good counterpoint:

I really liked that game "Elevator Ride" myself.

I'm literally chuckling out loud right now, this is a great comment.

Lol Maybe it's my age bracket? (Too old? Therefore wedding albums and college savings?) to be fair, I don't list too much in the about me section either or play Facebook games, so maybe they just don't have enough evidence that I play games.