The Cranberry Cap'n

True, although honestly action scenes would probably be done by a professional stunt artist, so it may not be so imperative.

Somehow, this gif is turning my stomach and yet I cannot look away. Well done, my friend.

Fashion: the only place you can dress up like a crazy person and have people asking where to buy it.

Me too. I so wish I had the skin tone to pull off that pale pink, but I would just look naked.

I don't know, I think it's kind of fun and weird. It's so intertwined with history and kinship relationships, and yet ultimately meaningless. I think that's fascinating.

I do the same thing with Star Wars (the original trilogy). Every time someone talks about it or I hear the music it's like a compulsion to reach again. And I'm not really even a sci-fi or fantasy fan.

This outfit is really cool. I'd love to know what the thought was going into the design.

I try to tell this to graduate students. So many students go to graduate school because they are "so passionate about ___ subject" and "would do my research for free."

I don't agree. Sure, George Lucas has had his ups and downs, but frankly I think that people are way too hard on him.

Seriously. What happened to sticking to your values as a parent? What happened to "if all your friends jumped off a bridge..."? I mean, maybe being popular is a value to some parents, but I'd like to think that it's not the most important one.

Okay, but, this is Doom. It's not exactly the same, and you were fighting pixelated monsters, not mowing down pedestrians.
ETA: ugh, freaking mobile Kinja. Not the photo I wanted, but you get the point.

Hah. I was just thinking this, waiting for the "HOW DARE YOU CRITICIZE THE GAME OF THE YEAR!" fans to boil over from the hype pot.

This is what I love about kids. My nephew for years has talked about his best friend Jake, Jake and I this, Jake and I that, we did this, we played Legos, we won the soccer match, he always beats me at Mario party, yadda yadda. I finally met this kid Jake after years of hearing about him at a pool party for my nephews

Plus the saline would be absorbed by the body. The silicone isn't organic so I'm a little skeeved by the thought of clumps floating around in my body without even knowing.

I have never thought if it that way before, and now I'm bookmarking this. Thank for this perspective, seriously, it changes my life.

Oh, this happens to me. I HATE my rage crying. As soon as I am good and truly angry my eyes well and my throat tightens. It makes trying to argue or express my feelings impossible because I feel like I have to stop. I'm sure there are people out there who pretend to cry for manipulative pity, but for me, it's

Food. Only food magazines in the grocery store with delicious looking food pics.

Interesting. I suppose that makes sense; Dr. Google tells me the manufacturers no longer classify implants as "lifetime products" because the walls of the implants tend to degrade after a while. But if nothing's wrong with the walls, I don't see why they need to be automatically replaced. At least with a saline

I can't stop seeing a bushy ponytail here.

I suspect that a lot of tape/spray is involved in getting that to stay in place.