The Cranberry Cap'n

Ha, got me there.

Augh. I'm impressed but also so disappointed. Japanese catch-phrases, why do you not translate well?

I do appreciate her hat's malaise, though. All these festivities, and Hat looks as depressed as ever.

I'm kind of disappointed they had Lena Dunham do the exact same "vapid sexy face" pose as everyone else. Isn't she supposed to represent something different?

Real question: she also blames it on "Southern Stereotypes." The ridiculousness of that aside, does Texas consider itself a part of the South? I always thought the "south" was more like Alabama, Georgia, the Carolinas, Missouri, Louisiana, etc. and Texas was really more of it's own thing, not southern.

This is why making up spellings for names isn't always the best idea...

Also, I am pretty sure that woman's boobs are about to fall out in the second to last photo.

While the baby slot is hilarious, I'm also horrified at what a serious hazard that is. It's just waiting for its first baby suffocation. I'm also really saddened by the mental picture of a parent watching television in bed and instead of actually holding or cuddling their baby (or putting him to bed?) they stick him

High fives. I can't stand touching anyone while I'm trying to sleep. Like "smooch, 'night babe, now go way over there, please. No, further. Further. Okay, that's good, but that's the line. No closer, comprende?"

Generally, no, most women's sports do not have cheerleaders. But most women's sports are not popular enough to warrant "team spirit" flashiness like marching bands, cheerleaders, and other festivities. The only one I can think of that draws enough of an audience for cheerleaders is women's college basketball. Only

I wore uniforms, and honestly I loved them. As a not-so-wealthy kid, I never worried about what I wore or whether it was cool enough. I didn't even really have a concept of wealthy or poor until I was well into middle school.

Tactiturn Groomsman and Sexy-Face Robot Man at :48 are my total favs.

It's Zimmerman's lawyer and his family. Not that it's any better.

This will be unfortunate at the next funeral or tragedy...

He's also nice in Lost. This is him reacting to this Craigslist ad:

Here, here. Bottoms up!

Here, have another, it's on the house.

"Gentleman." Emphasis on the ".

No, just clearing up misconceptions.

Neither have I, and thank goodness for that. Ugh.