
And yet you’d probably praise her if she was a Hamas or Black September terrorist. Fuck off. Israel has an absolute right to exist and is one of the few places in the Middle East that isn’t a kleptocracy, autocracy, or theocratic hellhole that oppresses women, gays, and minorities.

It’s great that he’s a “fine protagonist”, but that’s not the issue. We spent two games building this emotional connection with Clementine, and I have no interest in continuing the series without her at the head of it. It’s like if J.K. Rowling had replaced Harry Potter with Oliver Wood halfway through the series

Well, I’m done with this website. Feinberg was the only one left who was worth reading. The rest of you suck.

It took two of you to write this?

Just a couple of neoliberal lackeys. Nothing to see here.

Apples to oranges? You mean like comparing a soldier who flies a military aircraft into a military ship as part of a military operation during battle as part of a declared war to a person who blows up children with a nail bomb at a pop concert? That kind of apples to oranges?

“Ready to face”

This is such bullshit and it’s repulsive. Bravery is taking action or a stand and then being present to face the consequences. Murdering fucking CHILDREN and peacing out in the process is the height of cowardice and you should be ashamed of yourself.

I’ve seen your comments here and 99 percent of the time I vehemently disagree with you, but you’re absolutely correct on this. As a leftist, feminist, and gay dude, it’s beyond infuriating to watch the vast majority of commenters here defend a religious and political belief system that despises everything about us and

I have an honest question as an American leftist. Why is Islam immune from any kind of structural criticism? If a right wing Christian fanatic had committed a similarly heinous attack, we would rightly pillory both him and the regressive belief system that motivated him. While any kind of racism or attacks on

Yeah, abolish democracy and allow the ruling elite to finally dispense with the pretense of acting in any of the interests of the proletariat. /s

Given historical American settlement patterns, Midwest is not a true geographic designation and thus, Kansas being “dead fucking center” is irrelevant to whether it’s in the Midwest or not. Kansas City, at best, is the Midwest’s western border. Colorado, the Dakotas, Wyoming, and Montana are absolutely not Midwestern

Colonialism and imperialism are hilarious charges to levy at the West, considering that the entire history of Islam is one of war, conquest, and forced conversion. Let me guess, Turkish expansion into Europe, the Arab drive into The Levant and North Africa, and the historical East African and current South Asian slave

If you’re so dense and regressive that you think basic, universal human rights are “western colonialism”, then I don’t even know where to begin. Feminism is a western concept too.

If ICE doesn’t have a judicial warrant, they have zero right to enter homes, schools, places of business, or anywhere else and should be firmly and emphatically told to fuck off.

The Palmer Report is wish fulfillment fake news. We are not the right, don’t be a gullible idiot because you desperately want something to be true.

I stayed with friends in Treme and mostly hung out in the Garden District, Uptown, and at Jazz Fest. I avoided Bourbon St like the plague after the first day when I was constantly solicited by prostitutes and drug dealers and stepped over vomit in the gutter far too often for my delicate sensibilities.

I wouldn’t say trip is the right word, but it can do some weird shit. I smoked some high powered medical weed after quitting and not having smoked for about 2 years and felt like I was in a Jimmy Hendrix song afterwards. The walls were slightly wavy and there was a weird synthesis of sound and color. I used to love

Thank you! I’ve never felt like more a Yankee and been happier to live up North than after spending a week in that sewer. The city might have cool architecture, but it’s dirty and disgusting, the people are excruciatingly slow and complete layabouts, Cajun accents sound moronic, and the humidity is stifling. Fuck New

Everyone knows, you’re from Canada. Because you write it in literally every comment you make.