
You’re kidding, right? 

I haven’t looked at Portage Park specifically, but after recently researching condos in Irving Park, Albany Park, and Ravenswood and then immediately re-upping my lease, I can imagine the cost has become as prohibitive as it is in the rest of the city.

Yeah, I can see how I may have universalized my experience in my first comment and I’m thankful for the clarification and appreciate having a rare measured conversation on the internet. Agreed on the west side, too. I’ve met a lot of great people from the area and some of the architecture is positively stunning.

Grew up in Edgewater and Edison Park and parents were Cook County public defenders, so lukewarm, though I’m not sure where the Gold Coast jab comes in. I have to admit I’m not familiar with voting in black neighborhoods, despite working in North Lawndale and Austin, so your experience may differ from mine on Election

Having been born and raised in outlying Chicago neighborhoods, what the hell are you talking about? Despite national perception, we don’t live in some real world version of  The Untouchables and Richard J. Daley has been dead for a long time. 

Just wanted to co-sign this. I worked for the NIJC as a researcher on asylum cases after college and thought about applying to Heartland after I finished my MSW. The attorneys and other staff at the NIJC are committed and idealistic, but the compensation for social workers and mental health workers at Heartland is

Luke Evans

Or is it because Harris is a johnny-come-lately who defended the death penalty and three strikes laws while taking large contributions from corporations and pointedly refusing to prosecute Steven Mnuchin’s company for illegally foreclosing on over 80,000 Californians?

Actually, she’s not. She was the Queeen Regent by marriage. The Baratheon line goes something like Robert (dead), Joffrey (dead), Tommen (dead), Myrcella (dead), Stannis (dead), Shireen (dead), Renly (dead), some random noble cousin with Baratheon blood (who cares at this point). The Lannisters should not lawfully be

Shutup, redneck.


Not all too familiar with NYC, so I’ll take your word for it. But yeah, situations like this in Chicago typically end with an overly concerned WGN anchor urging the citizenry to contact police if they have any information regarding the identity and whereabouts of the victor.

While Kenny was mostly a bad GM who got lucky that year, this is completely false. Williams took over from Ron Schueler in 2000. The only important players left over from the pre-Williams on that team era were Buehrle, Garland, Konerko, Rowand and Crede. While those are all core guys, thats why they had stuck around

It won’t this time. Chicago is different. Our politicians of all races are nothing if not corrupt, terrified, and ultimately self-serving. Rahm is going to rightfully ensure that Van Dyke’s head is served up on a pike to the black community to keep the social and political peace. That’s how things generally work here.

Maybe don’t waste 25 million dollars on a telegenic, 30 year-old empty suit who ran on bold promises like “cutting government waste” and “working across the aisle”.

I can’t wait for Jezebel to somehow blame this on Bernie Sanders.

Thanks for your response. By no means am I attempting to minimize the grotesque and indefensible conditions in American jails and prisons. I worked in youth development and addiction counseling afterwards specifically in an attempt to keep people out of such settings in the first place.

As someone who worked as a social worker at Cook County Jail during grad school, please do some research before you spout off false-equivalency bullshit like this. We have massive problems, the DPRK is a literal Orwellian dystopia with death camps.

It’s the perfect mix of action and humor. Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, Jonathon and Oded Fehr have amazing chemistry and the villains are fun. The set pieces are spectacular and energetic, and it refuses to take itself too seriously. In short, it’s my favorite movie of all time.

Absolutely. You fight wars to win them within the context in which they exist. Both the Allies and Axis, employing total war, committed what we consider war crimes during WWII. What’s so noble about the firebombing of Tokyo or a proposed invasion of the Home Islands over a nuke, other than it doesn’t offend your