
This is “speak(ing) in great detail”? It’s nothing than banal and retrodden neoliberal platitudes. I get that people are happy Le Pen lost, but let’s not turn this empty suit and technocrat into some avatar of liberalism like this site does with Merkel. It’s embarrassing and betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of

I understand where you’re coming from and mostly agree, but there’s nothing bland or centrist about radical neoliberals like Macron.

Here’s where you lose me. Uber drivers are undoubtedly employees that the company disingenuously categorizes as “contractors” in order to shirk labor laws. They perform a service and are responsible for obeying the dictates of corporate if they want to make a livelihood. Additionally, Uber merely made minimal changes

But you presumably have a degree, a work history, colleagues and supervisors who can act as references, and some sort of marketable skill, all of which can help you obtain similar employment in the future if you’re laid off or your company folds. All of which is a bit more secure than “I spent the last five years of

Yep, exactly. Of course, when you needed time off, you were all of a sudden scheduled for 35 hours during the times you explicitly told the manager you had class. I also cried the first day after cleaning drains for three hours. That job is miserable and I can’t fathom how people stay there for an extended period of

Anecdotes are not data. I worked at a super busy Starbucks in downtown Miami during undergrad. We averaged about a dollar per hour per employee in tips. I imagine it would be far less elsewhere.

Dude, no one is happy to see to you. Its fucking retail. You’re paid just enough to refrain from raising the black flag, start slitting throats, and burning the store to the ground. As someone who worked at a Starbucks during undergrad, she probably hates you slightly less than most customers, which is nice, but isn’t

How on earth did you miss the opportunity to embed a Hawk Harrelson home run call, visiting team or not, on a series of posts meant to troll your readership? Give it up pal, and leave this to Marchman and Adler.

Off the top of my head, I know he’s proposed criminalizing adultery and banning the sale and consumption of alcohol in certain areas, which may not be explicitly religious dictates, but have their roots in religious tradition. Unfortunately, I lack the time to look into the manner in depth right now (grad school,

I wanted to add this, because I think you made your point well, even though I disagree. I think we have a duty to criticize and oppose drifts towards religious conservatism in any government, whether Islamic, Christian, Jewish, or otherwise. Whether its Washington, Ankara, Beijing or elsewhere, religious political

Ataturk would be rolling in his grave not for some supposed love of democracy, but because of Erdogan’s Islamist conservatism and erosion of the secular, relatively liberal, military-backed order. I have no love for Mustafa Kemal, being the grandson of a woman who fled Smyrna as a child during the Greco-Turkish war,

This is probably the wrong (ex) Gawker site for a video game reference, but I assume this is what they have in mind.

I feel compelled to comment on these articles to ensure their longevity whether I have something to say or not.

2012 was the approximate point of descent. The Sox methodically blew a huge division lead in September by trotting out luminaries like the bloated corpse of Manny Ramirez and the decrepit remains of Kevin Youkilous while Robin Ventura stared listlessly over the horizon and handled his bullpen like a yeti with a Ming

Thank you Marchman, for introducing the rest of the country to the irrepressible futility that is White Sox baseball. We’re taking my 6 month old nephew to his first game on Saturday and I can’t help but feel a tinge of responsibility for indoctrinating him into this angsty, masochistic cult.

The state of European economies is a direct result of structural problems with the EU that make it impossible for southern European nations to devalue their currencies and austerity measures instituted by the IMF and European Central Bank that serve the interests of northern European creditors like Germany and France,

Wah wah wah! “I had to undergo an onerous process and labor under an unfair and oppressive system, so it shouldn’t be fixed for anyone”. Guess what, I went to private universities and took out loans that I’m still repaying that wouldn’t be covered under Bernie’s plan, but I support it nonetheless because I recognize

I should have been clearer. The social security cards were the draw for the undocumented immigrants, but you got a driver’s license as well. You took a picture at Walgreen’s, dropped it off to some guy on a street corner, and two hours later, you had a great Ohio ID with holograms and everything for 200 bucks. They

Yep, these kids are going to be reduced to soliciting homeless people to buy them a bottle of Smirnoff and a thirty of Natty Light, and then chugging it in the woods until somebody passes out, somebody gets in a fight, and somebody gets a handjob behind a tree. Trying times, indeed.

Pictures were never the issue with fake ID’s. I had multiple ones with my actual face on it (Thank you Chicago Hispanic gangs making social security cards for undocumented immigrants!). Teens of the future will be fucked due to increased tech on the ID itself that’s beyond the capability of some entrepreneurial kid or