
The horse realizes that the Olympics should be for humans, not him, and is now righting a wrong. Respect.


I think we already know the answer to the question. No. It won’t live up to the hype. How could it?

Anything online with a comments section will look like a “massive failure”. Nerds are loud online, but quiet otherwise.

When you’re good, you’re good.

Waiiiit a minute. So would you say you assign these people......rim-jobs?

ikr, grrr...those meddling kids

Fantastic, now I need to go dig up all of my victims and put them somewhere else. Thanks, Nintendo!

If only SSB had used its evolved form, Seaking, it would have been EPIC!

I second this.

I’m not really sure how a 4th Toy Story can fit. The 3rd was a meditation on the afterlife. I’m not sure where you go after that.

Big deal. Toronto spends millions and doesn't have an NHL team either.

I think if 2016 has taught us anything, it’s that extremely bad hair is not a deterrent to grossly defrauding the public.

There’s a typo in your article. You forgot an “O” in “doomed” in the second paragraph.

The big character from the trailer that’s not on this list is the one played by Forest Whitaker, who is supposedly someone we’ve seen before.

Happy Fathers Day Mike! It is my first Fathers Day. My son Oliver is 12 weeks old now!

She needs to go sit in a coffee shop and be judging people on listening to mainstream music.

On the laptop screen (you have to look closely), it has a “Welcome to Electronic Arts” email from when Barbie Gaming Inc was acquired, and then a pink slip email from EA three minutes later.