
I stopped listening when I realized it was Sam Smith’s “Writing’s on the Wall”.

Oh, that’s why I was in Gorillaz mood. Nice.


If you want Starcraft, then go play Starcraft. I want to get into the fight immediately, not collect Vespene Gas.

Most people here seem to disagree with you.

I think it was to deliberately contrast the heavy things going on by having Threepio needlessly harp on something trivial in the middle of an important moment.

If you’re older than 12 and use emojis in your communication, you deserve to be misconstrued/misunderstood, and generally shunned by society.

This happened to me today - but without emojii...

Some asshole stole Bartolo Colon’s belt and is showing it off in the background.

But that’s the one world that isn’t ours. We’re not allowed to land there.

I’d be upset if I got advertisements too.

Can I make a suggestion for #CotD?

“Destiny has a hell of a user interface. It’s nice to look at, but like many things in Destiny it’s also nice to use.”


Meanwhile, in America:

I generally don’t move over. I let them go around.

If someone is driving that recklessly by tailgating, my experience tells me changing lanes isn’t the safest as they often try to change lanes and fly around. Going steading in the lane is the safe way to go - let the idiot make the moves..

The short answer is you don’t, they are always filled with spiders.