

I would consider that marketing, no different than the developers releasing a trailer. That said, today we found out that the developers actually showed the entire world that unicorn scene an entire month ago though a trailer. Conan wasn’t the first to show it!

Six million dollars will buy many, many months of hormone replacement therapy.

1 answer

Sorry but that is elitest nonsense. You’ve either got plot or you dont. If you’ve got to look for a story or make one up by your own actions, that’s a sandbox, not a campaign.

I’m done with Konami. Phantom Pain will be the last game I buy from them.

(Live-action adaptations only)

I think you mean Kevin Conroy, and he deserves at least an honorable mention on this list.

Cuz then they get two articles instead of one.

From that first post:


I was laughing when people said they weren’t going to purchase Arkham Knight, because they didn’t agree with the DLC price. DLC or Not, Arkham Knight and Rocksteady were getting my money. I can’t wait for June 23

No, this is Patrick!

“Go be stupid somewhere else, Spongebob”.

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

Organizers of the meetup included Christina Hoff Sommers, a professor and critic of liberal feminism, and Milo Yiannopoulos, a writer for Breitbart who claimed on Twitter today that this incident involved “a bomb threat from feminists.”

GamerGate is a hateful, moronic movement, and the idea of having a physical get-together for it hurts my brain, but fucking hell, this is not the way to react to it. Putting people at risk, wasting the police’s time and resources...

I want that car so much. Excellent find.