
“But if you were wondering whether the droids could get any cuter, the answer is, yes, if Apple got involved.”

Apparently “cuter” means taking away all personality and making it a cold, lifeless piece of metal. But it has Apple logo! It’s the best!

Alternate headlines for this story:

We had 107 licensed songs in that game, so that was a great example of a game that really needed a big publisher to get made. EA has a whole room full of people who just do that, so they were a big help. But who knows, maybe we could do it ourselves with indie metal bands?

Grim did well so we’re doing Day of the Tentacle now. As long as that does well I’ll try to make FT. But there’s no guarantees yet. Also, there are a LOT pixels to paint in FT than with DOTT or MI because of the full screen animation. But we’ll see! It would be cool!

Will we see Full Throttle on consoles (as we are seeing Grim Fandango and Day of the Tentacle) and is there ever a possibility of Brutal Legend 2?

Damnit, Lex!

I’m not enjoying this season of “The Wire” at all.

Now playing

The dolphins already beat you to it, Fahey:

No offense, Leslie, but I’m pretty sure you’re on NPH’s unfuckable list, too.

This is a metaphor for TVR as a company.

Come on, man, all this and not a mention of the notorious factoid the boss fights were farmed out to another dev?

Does he know where his towel is?

shoulda had no. 42

A Ford Prefect.

i’m not sure if you’re aware, but Bungie doesn’t work on Halo any longer.

This debacle keeps spiraling further and further into madness. Chesko has essentially completely withdrawn from the modding community. He’s deleted his Reddit account and many others, he’s pulled all of his mods from both the Steam Workshop and Nexus, and he’s publicly stated that he’s leaving the community for the

If you zoom back just enough you get ......omg its Jesus