
using actual USSR army issue clothing peaces as fashion accessories

People aren't moving to Texas because it's better; They're moving to Texas because they're broke, and can't afford to live somewhere decent.
You just sound like someone that's too poor and stupid to move to California... Hell, you're probably too poor to move to Oregon, where weed is legal, I can marry my boyfriend,

Is that what the internet looks like without AdBlock?

Batman can keep his Batmobile. Now I finally found a perfect car for me!!!:

I honestly feel I'm the only one who doesn't give a crap about the story in destiny.

I get that it is bad but I hardly even know what it's about.
Like in 99% of co-op games I'm mostly talking and joking around with friends.... not really keeping up with the story. I've no idea what Diablo 3, Borderlands or Destiny are

I was waiting for a FL comment. The DMV is so incredibly bad here. If you don't make an appointment, you'll likely be there all day. If you don't get there by 9am, sometimes earlier, you'll be turned away due to the already large line. I always make an appointment and show up a few minutes early. I usually never wait

There were no well-intentioned initial supporters. Just so ya know. It was always a neckbeard troll.

Nope, not even for a minute. Because its not a fallacy, sorry bro.

Don't have it, don't intend to buy it, don't intend to play it in any way.

How can they be angry when they spend so much time banging my mom? :(

I'm just looking forward to meeting Yakie Chan, Yakie Onassis, Maniyak, Yakkity Yak and Yakie Gleeson!

Maybe try not to be so hurt by the words of comedians...

I think that, as a general rule, you're supposed do the testing before you release your system update.

Still no determination as to which owner is less popular, however.

Surely that can't be legal?
Whether you're paid by man-hours or elapsed-hours you'd still never be short.
If you're being paid in "clock-hours" get them to use GMT or UTC to be remotely legit.
Surely they must have a problem when the clocks go the other way and a batch of workers get an extra hours pay?

Whoever pays you

Darn. I would have rather have been surprised by this in game. The title didn't really give me a choice though. I personally love the AC lore so I'm excited to see how this jump happens. How incredible would it be to explore Paris in the late 1700s AND 1940's? If they are able to pull that off I'll be super

Giants fans aren't insufferable

I agree but i feel like we are the minority on the subject... Idk why but when I hear a lot of swearing it just reminds me of a 10 year old trying to act "cool" and older then he is so he defaults to swearing - something about the "adult" words mentality kids come up with.

I wish more games incorporated a swear filter.

On a side note is this game a good reason to pick up a XBO?