
Its not painful, it's beautiful. My only hope is that Joe Buck gets ebola.

get this right..... the royals were very very very nice to me when they approached me. They told me the owner was very very upset. The conversation was great but then denied to have occurred by royals. After I produced pictures of the event occurring. ... then they said I hated the marlins and that I only wear

No one is telling you you shouldn't be a gamer, although if being a gamer truly means remaining beholden to misogyny and harassment, then maybe you shouldn't. I doubt that's the case, though, so I don't see the problem. Then again, that's not what "gamer" means to me. At all. And, really, the ones making the "gamer

However long it takes for the unsavories to reiterate their awful stance.

There was a simmering anger about people like me — "Social Justice Warriors", as they call us — who are asking for change in the game industry: a better, broader representation of characters, among other things. We're "the cancer that's killing games", and Kotaku is seen as the key enemy site, with Polygon a close

It also takes two minutes to understand that the originating event behind all of this was some jilted ex's sleazy gossip, but instead of saying "this is none of my business" and running away from it or (even better) directing their scorn at the party who aired his dirty laundry in public, a bunch of Internet

All it takes is one unhinged person to kill someone. That her home address was published makes it materially easier for that to happen, which was the intent of publishing it — to terrorize women into keeping silent through threats of violence towards them. "We know where you live," it says. Can you tell the

Your initial response indicates that you think there aren't any. Obviously that's not what you intended to state, but that's why everyone who reads that statement is going to respond.

"He" if you are referring to the Shepard most people played. "She" if you are referring to the Shepard that makes the video game better.

Unnamed Jalopnik Editor here. If cheap whisky is your bent then, sure, why not? It doesn't make it taste that much better, but it's definitely an improvement. Also, maybe just invest that money in better whisky?

As a unicorn psychologist I am deeply offended by any implication that we're on the same level as homeopaths. I didn't go through years of schooling at the finest of institutions (they're in Switzerland, you haven't heard of them) and the do a 3-year residency on the Isle of the Blessed for nothing.

Losing, the Cardinal way.

The Shot Heard 'Round The Small Group Of People Who Can Find Fox Sports 1 On Their TVs

I think the hate is because they don't want cowboys in space, then want space cowboys.

I don't interpret it as smugness. I'm no fan of Sarkeesian's presentation style, but in this instance, I believe that Tweet should be read as, "Seriously, the fuck. You're not going to shut me up, so keep trying."

In that—even if I disagree with her methods (though I do agree with her message, as she's been bang-on

Don't blame the victim.

Sorry, as a *real* man, I'm going to believe the girl who created the kick ass game I'm playing on my 6Plus instead of you MRA/Gamergate little bitches that cry and get psychopathic about everything because you all have no "game" (pun intended) with ladies.