
You just single-handedly guaranteed that I increase my tip a few more bucks from now on, I had no idea this is how rough these drivers have it. No, not the potential for violence but the sheer pittance they are paid to spend their own money on gas, insurance, and wear and tear for their cars.

Ah, see I preferred working the drive through. Lots of cars to check out, no hot grill to slave over, and you can hook up your high school friends with all the hardest to find beanie babies. People really did go crazy for those things.

When I was in college, we used to get 75 cents per run when gas was around $2. Another restaurant where I worked paid nothing per run, just the standard $4.25/hr and whatever tips you could collect. Still beats slaving over a hot grill and fryer for the same wage, which was the other option. Chain smoking in the Golf

"Welcome to 24 hour news, where we blow things out of proportion because we don't really have much else to talk about, now with 33% more speculation."

Good thing we have bat shark spray.

I don't know. Games that are full price and also expect you to pay a monthly fee kind of stick in my craw a bit.

My brother and I bought it with our meager allowances added together and instantly regretted it. As Best Buy did not accept returns on open games, and this was before eBay and Gamestop trade-in options, we hid all existing copies of the game in the store and went to "exchange" it. When they couldn't find the same

There are a few Korean games. They are, ironically, all but forgotten.

The different variations of troops as seen in the Clone Wars series are really nice!

What you don't see is how that kid absolutely pummeled another boy in a back alley for that baguette. He's earned that dance! He's gonna dance with that baguette till the image of the other kid lying in his own blood, sweat and wet pants is gone from his mind then he'll take that baguette home to feed his two starving

How is it that this is the first time anyone on Kotaku has said ANYthing about Buried at Sea Episode 2?

With all the drug stuff early on i was wondering if there was a connection between the drugs and conduit activation and that the DUP (or someone) was secretly providing tainted drugs to the black market in some sort of conspiracy thing..

In response to the overly harsh 'Not Yet' rating that was given to this game, I played through the entire thing (all side-quests) on PC and only encountered one bug. I haven't heard any horror stories about how it's a broken, unplayable game, ala the original Dark Souls for PC.

Ah, it's high-quality porn. Forgive me. We should premier it at Cannes.

This design bugs me.

He went into one of the most hostile environments on the planet with no map, no compass, no wilderness training, no knowledge of the local flora or fauna, and he starved to death within fifteen miles of a highway. Not only did he slowly starve to death because he didn't know about something as simple as rabbit