
In the middle of my life's journey, I came upon a traveller in the woods. He said unto me, "Follow close," and so I did. We walked into a dark vale; the mist was thick, the odor foul. We descended into a cavern, and there upon the shore of a black river awaited wraiths for miles. They opened their mouths, but could

The staff at Kotaku.

Understandable, Jason, but how about...

While talking about Triad.. Where's Sleeping Dogs? If GTA etc. is banned Sleeping Dogs surely must be banned.. Maybe they think it as a tourism attraction.

Yea I was born in 1986, so I single-handedly invalidated that whole section in the encyclopedia on world population. IT WAS MEEEEEEEEE!

My favorite new Windows 8.1 feature is right-clicking the Start button. It does EVERYTHING!:

In all honesty, I think money hacking saved GTA Online for a lot of people.

It's had some changes and additions made, but the game still isn't what it should have been. It's been about two months and Heists, the main advertised feature, still aren't out. What we're left with is a game that forces you to grind out hours

Seeing that violin get wet kinda made me cringe.

What makes this Stuxnet's "evil" twin? It seems like both worms were designed to prevent Iran from developing nuclear material that it could absolutely not be trusted to use responsibly; if anything, these were a digital Batman and Robin.

Or saved up for a bottle of liquor. You cold have SPENT $5 and bought him some food.

Apparently you've never played Monopoly.

No one screams "God Damn It!" Better than Colbert.

What's interesting is this current standoff can't even be called democratic. In a democracy you settle differences through voting. In this case, the congressional opposition has voted 40 times to undo a law with no results, so they are refusing to do their jobs (which is to pass a a budget) unless the president meets

So, will The Last of Us be on PS4? Or any of these other amazing exclusives? I'm thinking I'll get a PS4, but it's not backward compatible, and I'm certainly not going to buy the older model to play a (by that time) 6 month old game.

Probably because it doesn't come packaged with a useless 150$ kinect 2.0