
Disney has tons of canon cosmetic options available. They wouldn’t have said “no cosmetics” in this way.

With the reduced endgame loot pool (thanks mostly to no random gear rolls) the grind for unique cosmetics is one of the core endgame grinds. But this also has significant impact on leveling up new characters. It also has disturbing implications for the paid promotions and in-game purchases of xp boosts.

My understanding is that this is one of the “god” or reality-warping pokemon whose merexistence breaks the normal laws of the universe. There are plenty of pokemon who seem to violate the inverse square law susupporting huge bodyweight with skinny legs or relatively tiny wings. These would require materials otherwise

This seems to be much more of an issue with matchmaking than whether or not players are playing the game correctly.

I note that you’ve mentioned the concept that players are throwing matches in top level play elsewhere. that would make sense, if it weren’t for the fact that all characters are designed to be hard

GoG means that CDPR is its own publisher, and has alternative revenue streams if its own games underperform. They’d have to suffer a catastrophic financial loss to be in serious danger of being bought out at least by EA.

EA buys individual studios that don’t have publishers, usually after a well-received game sells

That’s why if you don’t want to play with those characters, you adult the fuck up and join a dedicated team.

I’ve decided to actively advise parents that the video games are intentionally getting their kids hooked on gambling. I’m even considering advising local news teams in the market of EA and Lucasfilm headquarters.

No, you’re being asked to reconsider giving money to an organization that is actively trying to exploit that potential weakness in all their customers. And it’s active, most of these organizations have entire teams of behavioral experts working to trick payers into just considering paying for these lot boxes. We can

The problem is that increasingly, these mechanics are held in secret from the general public until shortly before lunch, and even after launch they’re only being acknowledged by the enthusiast press. A mom buying Christmas gifts for their children isn’t considering whether or not she’s inadvertently buying her kids a

If you are the person putting the slot machine there where it was not before, you might not be responsible for their decision to use it but you certainly are responsible for placing it there. These loot systems were not in the normal AAA game space before only a relatively short time ago. They have been placed with

It’s always been a moral issue that responsible businesses use moral judgement in determining how they want to earn profits. The very first known written law was about ensuring that persons who built houses for others would make roofs that wouldn’t collapse, even though that work would take longer and require

I’ve got a complaint about my experience so far in the base game, and it’s really impacting my enjoyment: there is little to no feedback for when I’m getting shot or shot at and it leads to situations where I’m basically dead before I have a chance to meaningfully react. In some of the earlier missions, where you’re

5) EA meddles with next upcoming game, shutters studio ahead of highly anticipated followup to series from before merger.

If you’re talking about trying to game the engrams by checking the previews, it’s been proven multiple times now that the entire eligible loot pool is included no matter what is shown in the preview. The only things guaranteed to not drop are items your character is incapable of using (which essentially means armor

Actually the only one that sucks unconditional is DO. Abandon earth, or only guaranteed naturally occurring biome. Abandon the Traveler, our primary source of power as a species and singular guaranteed trump card against multiple hostile species that are willing to exterminate entire star systems at the first sign of

Yeah but the one from the gunsmith is the Antiope-D, the best one in the game.

The weird thing is that one of the best PVP weapons in the game is a grenade launcher, the Play of the Game.

Now they just need to bury Bobby Kotick and everything will be fine.

Given that they’re unpainted, most are several feet away and you won’t take one home, the answer is an unqualified “yes I can.” Because *you can’t tell* without getting closer to these types of miniatures. That’s one of the reasons for the standard 3- color rule for painting tabletop miniatures. They’ll blend into

But how am I supposed to meet my daily quota of watching someone else open loot boxes? /s