
Wow you should go check out a board game store sometime on warhammer night.

I’m not too impressed. 3D printing models is a matter of time involvement. Obviously none of the models have been properly painted, and we can’t even see the detail. I could go buy 10,000 little green army men, set them up, and claim it was for the old video games or a promo for the next Toy Story film or whatever and

I recall seeing this in theaters and thinking, at the time, that it was very obvious that the characters were in some sort of afterlife. To the point where it became highly confusing when not only they returned to normal, but everyone else did as well.

Watched some overwatch league on of all things a Disney channel late one night. I played the beta so I had some concept of what was happening. Certainly there were some suggestions I’d offer though.

Saying something is fetish material is not a valid defense of censorship. Some people have fetishes for balloons and clowns, does that mean “It” needs to be retroactively banned from cinemas (a film series which omitted an infamous underage orgy from the source material, BTW)?

An examination of adult entertainment genres indicates that those particular fetishes (at least the first two) are fairly common, or at least not terribly uncommon. The genre trope of seductive twins for example is fairly well established and even makes it into pop culture films like Austin Powers and Disney’s Cars

I didn’t. And it had massive drawbacks that are more readily visible and fixable now that all weapons have fixed stats. Players who got mathematically prefect weapon rolls had decided advantages in PVP and PVE over players who did not, which were unable to be overcome except by blind luck. No amount of grinding would

Live team was responsible for many of the Quality of Life improvements in the latter years of D1. They created tweaks of the Raid and Strikes, redefined key elements of the loot progression system, added large swathes of newer content and the Wrath of the Machine raid, and created lots of the limited time events like

So glad they did. Used to be almost dangerous to check kotaku on my lunch break. That time the preview image was a realistically painted sex toy, for example.

*Universal Studios gazes intently in your direction.*

So glad they announced all this now. I really want sure how I could squeeze ACO into my schedule this winter, but now I can safely wait to buy the full game on discount in whatever GotY edition they release next summer.

Uh huh.

So you jumped off of Bebop without even meeting the third major protagonist?

The odd thing is that a body swap comedy of Americans living in the rural areas and a downtown metropolitan lifestyle is actually a staple of American large and small screen cinema since the dawn of film and even before. There’s actually a very strong chance they could do this adaptation right.

Phoenix down traditionally works because it just automatically adds x HP, where x is your total HP amount from 0. So against undead enemies, the check just tells it to do damage instead. A single value all at once.

As an addendum: once you reach Level 20, and each time you would get am experience level beyond that, you will receive a “Bright Engram” which has to be taken to the microtransaction store. This has a chance to drop a currency called “Bright Dust” which is used to buy the rotating selection of vendor items at the

Given that there was a while community based around soloing the nightfall in D1, This was probably necessary to encourage players to find a team.

You don’t need to win the matches, just play to completion.

Gear progression now uses the highest gear in your possession as opposed to the highest equipped. So it can improve much faster than it used to if you regularly play. The last 10-20 levels is the real grind, where you need the Raid and other highest level endgame content to progress.

Technically, I should be entitled to something: a refund. If it isn’t possible to play half the game I purchased, because the developers device that it’s not their “creative vision” that I get to experience that content, then it’s a reasonable expectation that I should receive a refund for the game being materially