
I’ve figured out that anything big should just be triple-shot with Tearblast arrows followed by fire or shock. Especially anything corrupted.

“Dude, we have to hold something back for the 47 disc special theatrical rerelease edition of all 15 films in 2030. We spent FOUR BILLION DOLLARS on this boondoggle and we’re going to milk it till your kids want to kill you.”

I don’t see why a cell phone couldn’t compete. A high definition screen, game controller compatibility, solid processing and GPU cores, motion controls, etc in a portable package with multi-hour battery life? That’s a midrange Android phone.

Didn’t pivot at all. Reread my comments. Nintendo needs to start offering modern platforms with modern 3rd party support if they ever want to seriously compete again.

It’s not even necessary to do all that. Those are basic functionality issues that were resolved years ago by the sub-$300 iPad competitors like Samsung’s Galaxy Tab series and the Kindle.

Making games for kids is fine - in fact, Nintendo should be applauded for still making games for kids. But you can make games for

No.This isn’t about gaming on a cell phone. This is about the fact that Nintendo is STILL trailing behind basic functionality of home consoles that my cellphone figured out years ago. Things like transferring data. Like streaming movies. Like getting charging cables in the right place, or offering gamepads at a

I toothed it out and completely skipped the Wii and WiiU. If Nintendo wants my money, they’re going to need to be a real platform, with more than just Nintendo games. They aren’t competing with my Playstation or gaming PC, they’re competing with my cell phone. And if they don’t realize that and act like it, they

And they’re doing so by solo queuing into public ranked matches. Their ability to control the strategy of their teammates is entirely nil beyond what said teammates willingly accept. If they wanted default control of their team strategy, they should form a dedicated team of some kind, even if it is just an

“Players should always ask before going super off-meta”

Who determines that? How many players have to agree? How many players have to disagree? How soon does it need to be with a countdown timer going at all times?

You can’t practice tournament level tactics in pub-level games, in any gaming system I’m aware of. Not unless you have a bunch of tournament-level players in the game.

It’s absolutely wrong. The player should be able to try their own strategies to win. These are solo pickup games even if they are ranked. If the other team members wanted a guaranteed strategy going in, they should have gotten a full team together.

If you are playing solo in any team game, you have lost any legitimacy in requiring any other team member to play in accordance with your preferred strategy. Join a dedicated team pre-game of that’s the case.

More accurate than a Hollywood version?

If you can reliably level up by holding down or repeatedly pressing a single button without moving, then whether or not you are actively doing it yourself is irrelevant.

Even the Russians seem to accept that the US has been to the moon. That issue has been put to rest for a few decades now at least aside from the conspiracy nuts.

Even if the first car “accidentally” hit the player, the second car in that gif crosses several lanes and is on a direct collision course for the player until it runs into the first. Two cars diving into the player is pretty difficult to square away especially when the normal GTAV single player cars aren’t nearly so

“Then again, any time something remotely negative happens in GTA Online, players always accuse Rockstar of Shark Card schemes—there’s no real evidence to support this idea.”

Individualized echo chambers is exactly what got us Trump when people stopped questioning their news sources and started believing they lived in a failed dystopia instead of the preeminent military and trade power on the planet.

Th first movie that was on the whole amongst the least GitS of any of the comic or anime releases so far? That movie?

The original manga sets a pace and tone so at odds with the first anime film that they basically avoided it ever after except as a style guide. It’s good, sure. But suggesting that the others aren’t