
Any word on efforts to bring Ricochet 2 to VR?

I just watched a bunch of fascists riot through my hometown to protest Milo Yiannapoulos. Milo is disgusting, but the suggestion that violent censuring of free speech is acceptable behavior has absolutely no place in civilized society on either side. This behavior empowers the alt-right and their internet troll

This is just more speculation, but I have a suspicion that they’ve gone halfway on it and that night be for the best. Don’t think you can play as Zelda, but her constant appearance and her obviously functional adore makes me think she’ll be a constant traveling companion throughout the game and integral to the

In a harbor you can control the location and landing zone without any fuss, and you’re far likely to worry about “ecological impacts” on, say, a whale.

It is effectively impossible to look for work or other economic opportunities in 2017 without internet, except for possibly criminal activities. Try applying in person for any major employer right now and even in-store they might have you fill out a form on a company computer first. It’s all done online.

It also doesn’t discourage dishonesty.

Bag metrics teach you nothing more than if the metrics can be met. They don’t tell you how to optimally meet them. If the metric is “sell more used products” then the optimal way to meet it, without exception, is to stop selling new products until the used product metric is met first. If that metric increases each

Yeah that’s a load of crap. Audio doesn’t take that much processing power. I was doing decent quality voice chat and 3D graphics back in the early 2000s on far less powerful hardware.

Alternatively, *you* could have read the rest of the article and noticed that the writer is absolutely disgusted with the idea due to things like “context” and “explicit statements.”

Eh. In the original trilogy, each race was more or less already segregated aside from the Citadel, and even then there were client races and vassals (the Drell are essentially an entire servant race to the Hanar, for example). Giving each race its own separate ark and allowing them to each find worlds habitable by

I feel like this needs one of those “Goofy Time” memes.

“It’s Doge time!”

“No Skadi No”

This really should have been the title.

The gyro controls were there so Nintendo would have a gimmick, though. It wasn’t done for any control reason, because frankly it’s one of the more overt problems with the game.

Between normal, advanced, super, and specialty movesets in addition to spacing and baiting techniques fighting game characters can ultimately have dozens or even hundreds of moves and combos avilable. In a competitive setting, this strategically differentiates 2D fighting games from other competitive games like CSGO

“hey guys, what do you think about that Halo Lego game they almost made ?”

Disney currently owns 2-3 very successful theme parks in China and employs thousands of people directly.

Speaking of Samurai Champloo, anyone who hasn’t (and many who have) seen it needs to watch Cowboy Bebop. If you only ever saw it on Cartoon Network, grab the Blu-Ray disc and a decent sound system for some of the best anime voices, audio and music ever created.

Then they should have left out the Americans and British.

Yep. Metro/Locker are bad designs for the Battlefield games that discourage the team play of the larger spread out maps. They also wouldn’t be thematically appropriate. There wasn’t a huge amount of urban fighting in ww1 as the weapon technology and training doctrines didn’t account for it. Much easier on all