
At the time the French were the most powerful army on earth, they didn’t surrender, and anyone at the end of WW1 telling you that in less than 21 years the French even could be completely defeated by the Germans in less than a season would have been rightly seen as a complete fool.

Ah yes. The roo video that cuts off early because it almost certainly involves the man getting the living shit kicked out of him.

Could this also be am effort at providing a very public false sense of security to the democratic powers nearby who have to worry about voters turning on their leadership when they claim to need another few billion/trillion dollars to modernize their military capabilities?

Most clothing is initially designed as an illustration and then worked on from there. Commenting on fashion design in video games is remarkably on topic.

Workout a team they were going to be forced to forfeit every future match until something could be put together. Sounds like the rest of the league is working to ensure they aren’t immediately relegated out of the league.

This seems like a tremendous waste seeing as they’re reportedly killing all the stoners :(

I’m intersted in this not because I’m interested in DOTA 2, (I’m not, in fact I hate MOBAs in general) but instead because it has such a strong baring on competitive games in general. With the relative boom in competition-based board and card games in particular, players are starting to see “oddball” strategies either

I might have pulled the trigger if this was a step discount on the $40 price, but not off the $60 package.

I might have pulled the trigger if this was a step discount on the $40 price, but not off the $60 package.

Well, look at what happened to everyone on LOST. Seems like smart advice.

Looking at video of the ride, it looks like the Frozen attraction was built over an existing boat ride. They didn’t have to build much of anything, they just took out the decoration and replaced it with a new Frozen theme. The boats (which make me think this used to be the Viking boat ride at the Norwegian zone) and

That’s not an acceptable excuse though. The first few hours of a long game should be drawing you deeper into the game, not pushing you away or boring you.

Example: The Witcher 3. The opening sequence has you hunt down information, fight off a bunch of fish-men, then finally trap and kill a griffon. In between, you

Hillary Clinton, a woman who was forced to defend a child rapist by law as a court-appointed lawyer (and who made that rapist plead guilty to a lesser charge) is *NOT GOING TO BE PRESIDENT.*

And as a conservative who could only vote for Clinton if the alternative was the destruction of the country, I did not vote for

That’s not going to happen. If it did you’d have a civil war on your hands by the end of the week.

I’m actually at a point where I don’t want him to change.

Just a NATO ally finally paying their dues for American security.

Because Trump is totally not under FBI investigation for business connections to foreign governments.

Is there any Pryor precedent for Presidents worth their own airplane? Obviously they can’t drove their own cats and I have to some have had boats or even full sized ships. but the only one with airplane money I can even think of is Bush Sr, or maybe Kennedy.

Eh, Appleseed is a great comic bit I have yet to see a good screen adaptation.

I’m more concerned that she doesn’t sound like a cop.

Aramaki is basically the director of a fascist spy agency. He absolutely should be comfortable killing a man in the right circumstances.